Creating a self-paced student feedback survey from Vevox sample

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Creating a self-paced student feedback survey from Vevox sample

Use this option to create a feedback survey for students


  1. Open the Survey Dashboard

After you create a session, you are automatically taken into Polls dashboard. If you are returning to Vevox, click on your session name. Click on Surveys in the left-hand side.


Vevox dashboard, with survey link in left menu highlighted

You can import a student sample survey or Create New.


  1. Create a survey from a sample

Click on Student Feedback surveys.

Vevox survey dashboard, student feedback surveys highlighted


This will open up the Import surveys screen, there’s two surveys to choose from a Lecturer’s feedback survey and a Moods and Feelings questionnaire (MFQ).

To import the Lecturer’s feedback survey, collapse the quiz and uncheck the checkbox beside the MFQ and then select Import.

  1. Review or edit the questions

This imports the feedback survey into your dashboard, you can use the drop-down arrow to expand the survey to review the questions. Click on the three dots to edit or delete the questions.

You’ll need to open the session and the survey to give participants access


Click on Select Start survey and then Yes to start session


  1. Add your survey to Blackboard.

Like Turnitin, Vevox is an add-on to Blackboard and you embed it into your Blackboard learning content in a similar way.

Within your content area, add a Vevox session using the Build Content drop-down menu. Select Vevox.

This opens up the Vevox tool in Blackboard, select the session name that contains the survey that you want to include in the lesson e.g. BMS788-week2-survey.

Then select whether you want participants to be Anonymous or Identified.

  • Anonymous = Participants are fully anonymous therefore no grading information can be passed back to the VLE/LMS

  • Identified = Names will be hidden for other participants but the participants identity will be visible in the data reports and will pass back correct answer grading information to the VLE/LMS 

As it’s a feedback survey, chose Anonymous to encourage participation, then select the activity type (self-paced survey/quiz), select the survey name e.g. ‘Lecturer’s feedback survey’, then click Select.


4. Changing the name of the survey in Blackboard

The Vevox activity link will appear in Blackboard. Change the name of the activity to something more intuitive by clicking on the arrow and selecting Edit from the drop-down menu.

Click Submit.

The survey is ready to be completed, direct students to click on the link in Blackboard and fill in the questions.


5.Students' feedback

Students can then complete the survey in Blackboard, by clicking the link …

and answering the questions, anonymously, at their own pace:


  1. View Results

You can review the students' responses in Vevox by clicking on Data in the left-hand menu.

Select Survey Results, this takes you into the survey results dashboard, you can review responses and download a report.


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