Index Page

This page contains Blackboard Original support material

Visit Blackboard Ultra Staff support for information and guides for teaching with Blackboard Ultra
Visit Student Blackboard Ultra support for information and guides for digital learning with Blackboard Ultra

Index Page

Space Index

0-9 ... 1 A ... 14 B ... 19 C ... 17 D ... 5 E ... 3
F ... 3 G ... 4 H ... 11 I ... 9 J ... 0 K ... 0
L ... 0 M ... 9 N ... 0 O ... 0 P ... 3 Q ... 2
R ... 4 S ... 19 T ... 22 U ... 17 V ... 1 W ... 0
X ... 0 Y ... 0 Z ... 0 !@#$ ... 0    


Page: 404 error when attempting to open Microsoft Office documents (Chromium Edge)
Introduction Staff and students have reported problems accessing links to Microsoft Office documents in Blackboard Learn, following the move to the Blackboard Learn SaaS environment. Users are seeing 404 errors, similar to that shown below: 404erroredge.j


Page: Accessible Keyboard Shortcuts
Introduction Within Blackboard Collaborate Ultra there are the following accessible keyboard shortcuts: To turn the microphone on and off Press Alt + M (in Windows). On a Mac, press Option + M. To turn the camera on and off Press Alt + C (in Windows). On
Page: Accessing your exam marks
Introduction Blackboard Learn is not the University of Ulster's official repository of assessment/examination marks. Assessment/examination marks are only officially awarded following a Board of Examiners' meeting between your programme's External Examine
Page: Accessing your Turnitin Feedback
Introduction Within TurnItIn, lecturers can avail of a marking and grading tool online in a paperless environment. Once the post date of a paper has passed, students are able to access the marked version of the paper and view any grades, comments, marks,
Page: Adaptive Release (Basic and Advanced)
Introduction Adaptive Release allows the publication of content to users based on a set of rules provided by the Instructor. The rules may be related to: Availability. Date and time. Individual users and user groups (such as Course Groups). Scores or atte
Page: Add Test Student course tool
Introduction The Add Test Student course tool has recently been added to the University of Ulster’s Blackboard Learn system. This building block is designed to duplicate the "Demo Student" functionality in WebCT Vista. The Test Student can then be used to
Page: Add the Blackboard Collaborate Ultra tool to the module menu
Introduction To make it easy for your students to find a Blackboard Collaborate Ultra session in their module area, you will need to create a link in the module menu. How to add the tool to the module menu To add the Blackboard Collaborate Ultra tool to
Page: Adding a Q & A Board in Vevox
Vevox’s Q and A function allows students to ask questions, comment or make suggestions during lectures, in addition participants can like others’ contributions. Screenshot 2023-10-05 at 11.15.46.png You can add questions or announcements to the message bo
Page: Adding Captions to Panopto Videos
Introduction Note: Automatic captions have now been enabled. Panopto will generate and embed captions when an uploaded video has finished processing. This page is intended to give guidance on adding captions to your Panopto Videos. In addition to making v
Page: Advice for uploading recordings on slow internet connections
Introduction A small number of staff have reported that their Panopto recording sessions appear to hang whilst screen recording and accessing online resources at the same time. For example, when demonstrating how to use a website or online database. This
Page: Advice on copying Panopto videos between modules
Introduction By default, all Panopto videos inherit their viewing permissions from the module they have been created in/uploaded to. This means a video can only be watched by those viewers with access to the module containing that video. If a Panopto vide
Page: AI in teaching, learning and assessment
Page: Ally for Instructors
allylogostaffv2.jpg Introduction Each of your students is unique, with diverse learning needs. To support them, Ally provides alternative and accessible versions of your original content items. Alternative formats provide greater opportunity for everyone
Page: Ally for Students
allylogostudentv3.jpg Introduction Your Blackboard Learn module areas will contain many different content items and filetypes. Ally is an extension to Blackboard Learn that creates alternative and accessible versions of those content items. For example, i
Page: Assessment and Feedback


Page: Best Practices for Conducting Sessions
Introduction Here are some general guidelines for hosting your Blackboard Collaborate Ultra session. Prior to the Session Connect using a stable wired ethernet connection – if possible. If you have to use WIFI, try to be in a quiet area with a strong, sta
Page: Blackboard Ally
Blackboard Ally is a tool that helps make course content in Blackboard Learn accessible to all users. It does this by: Automatically scanning course content and providing accessibility scores and feedback on how to improve the accessibility of the content
Page: Blackboard Assignment Tool
Page: Blackboard Collaborate Classic
Introduction Collaborate Classic has now been replaced by the browser-based Blackboard Collaborate Ultra. For more information, please the following page: https://help.blackboard.com/Collaborate/Ultra https://help.blackboard.com/Collaborate/Ultra, or, con
Page: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra - Instructor Guide
bbcollab.png Introduction Blackboard Collaborate Ultra is a real-time webinar tool that allows faculty and students to synchronously communicate online with participants anywhere in the world. They can share audio and video, take part in polls, share file
Page: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra Error Codes
Introduction The following are error codes you may encounter when accessing a Blackboard Collaborate Ultra session. uhoh.png A03 Connection Error An A03 Connection Error typically means that the session was not found, or the token being used is not valid.
Page: Blackboard Communication tools
Page: Blackboard Learn Mobile Applications
Introduction The Blackboard Student app has been developed by Blackboard to help students access and interact with key elements of their courses. You can also use the Blackboard Student app to access Collaborate Ultra virtual classrooms from your mobile d
Page: Blackboard Learn Rubrics
Introduction What is a rubric? A Rubric is a tool that lists evaluation criteria for an assignment. Rubrics can help students organise their efforts to meet the requirements of an assignment. Instructors can use Rubrics to explain their evaluations to stu
Page: Blackboard Learn Student Induction Materials
Introduction New or returning students may find the following induction materials useful to become familiar with Blackboard Learn. Bb Learn Information for students - A4 Poster Download: Blackboard Learn Information for students - Word Document (906kB)
Home page: Blackboard Learn Support
[ Student Support https://ulster.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SBS/overview | Panopto Video Tools | BB Original Staff Support | BB Ultra Staff support https://ulster.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Ultra/overview | Service Status ] 3735---BB-Ultra---Portal-Banner-
Page: Blackboard Learn User Roles Explained
Introduction Programme Roles control access to the content and tools within a programme. Each user is assigned a role for each Programme in which they participate. For example, a user with a role of Instructor in one Programme can have a role of Course Bu
Page: Blackboard Local Login
Some categories of users, who do not have an Ulster identity, authenticate into Blackboard Learn using an alternative method. This is most likely to affect those who have a Pcode which is a username which starts with the letter P. In order to login with a
Page: Blackboard Refresh August 2022 - Ultra Base Navigation
An update was applied to Blackboard Learn on the 9th August 2022. Ultra Base Navigation (UBN) has been applied to our Blackboard Learn environment. UBN is the first stage of Ulster’s project to upgrade to Blackboard Ultra by Summer 2023. The video below o
Page: Blackboard Single Sign On
On the 14th June 2021, the way you log in to Blackboard Learn will change. Users will experience a seamless single sign-on experience between other University systems and Blackboard Learn. Once authenticated into the MyDay Portal https://portal.ulster.ac.
Page: Blackboard Single Sign On - common issues
Here are list of common Single Sign-On issues and solutions: Account conflicts Ulster University uses Microsoft Azure authentication for Single Sign-on. If you are logged in to a personal, or workplace Office/Office 365 account and try to login to Blackbo
Page: Blackboard Ultra preview information
Visit CDLE’s Blackboard Ultra Support website to find out more UltraBlackboard Ultra preview information
Page: Browser extensions causing audio/video and other issues
Introduction If you are unable to see and/or hear participants, or they are unable to see and/or hear you, or you experience crashes while accessing Blackboard Collaborate Ultra, the issue may be with one of your browser extensions. Test your browser in i
Page: Browser requirements
Introduction Blackboard Collaborate Ultra is entirely browser-based, so you don't need any additional software to join a session*. Note: As of July 1, 2020 Blackboard Collaborate Ultra will no longer support these browser versions: Native Microsoft Edge G


Page: Cannot login to Blackboard
Blackboard is accessible at https://learning.ulster.ac.uk https://learning.ulster.ac.ukl to all registered Ulster students. Blackboard access is enabled the day after enrolment is complete. If you try to login to Blackboard on the same day as you enrol, y
Page: Chat Tool
Introduction The Chat panel enables the moderator to exchange text messages and emoticons with other participants in the session. chattool.png Opening the Chat Tool To open the chat tool: Select the Collaborate Panel button. collaborate.gif Select the Cha
Page: Check your Registration Status
Introduction This may seem like a very obvious starting point, but Blackboard is linked to the student records system and will only grant access to registered students (status RE in Banner). Your entire UU life cycle centers on your student registration s
Page: Checking that students have viewed their feedback
Once the paper has been graded, instructors can view student engagement with the graded papers. An icon of a person with a check mark appears within the response column in the assignment inbox for each student. This will show which students have viewed th
Page: Content changes not appearing
Introduction Some staff members may experience problems seeing recent changes they have made to content in Blackboard Learn 9.1. Changing your cache settings in Internet Explorer and Firefox will change how temporary Internet files are used and how often
Page: CPPD application process
Introduction Follow the instructions below to apply for any of our Certificate in Personal and Professional Development (CPPD) courses. Application Instructions Go to http://prospectus.ulster.ac.uk http://prospectus.ulster.ac.uk/. Select the Apply link on
Page: Create a Session
Introduction While each module area has its own Blackboard Collaborate Ultra Course Room, these default rooms are open to anyone and unmonitored. It is recommended that staff create new, unique sessions, with fixed start and dates. How to create a new se
Page: Create Course Links
Introduction Course Links are shortcuts used to link to items within a course (module). All items that appear in the Course Menu may be linked to using a Course Link. They are useful shortcut links to other areas of your Blackboard course. All items that
Page: Creating a live multiple-choice quiz with Vevox
Use this option to create a live class quiz on a particular topic. IMG_1493.PNG Instructions Open the Polls dashboard After you create a session, you are automatically taken into Polls dashboard. If you are returning to Vevox, click on your session name.
Page: Creating a self-paced student feedback survey from Vevox sample
Use this option to create a feedback survey for students Instructions Open the Survey Dashboard After you create a session, you are automatically taken into Polls dashboard. If you are returning to Vevox, click on your session name. Click on Surveys in t
Page: Creating and Grading a Blackboard Assignment
Introduction The Assignment Tool within Blackboard Learn is a way to deploy, receive, and grade student assignments digitally. Instructors have the option to view the assignments online via Grade Attempts, Grade Anonymously, or Grade Details. Creating the
Page: Creating and Organising Blackboard Content
Page: Creating Blackboard Groups
Introduction Groups allow students to collaborate together. Groups can be designated as Self-Enroll, allowing students to add themselves to a Group, or Manual Enroll, having the Instructor assign students to a Group. Groups can be created either one at a
Page: Creating Grade Schemas
Introduction A Grading Schema is a diagram based on percentage ranges that matches scores to specific grade displays. For example, a student’s raw numeric score on a quiz that has 100 possible points is an 88. In a Grading Schema in which a percentage of
Page: Creating graded self-paced quizzes
Create or generate questions to produce a self-paced quiz that can be linked through to the grade-centre. IMG_1510.PNG Instructions Open the Survey Dashboard After you create a session, you are automatically taken into Polls dashboard. If you are returni
Page: Creating Live Wordcloud Polls with Vevox
Vevox Polls allow you to create polls and quizzes that are designed to be conducted live in class, and not graded in the Grade centre. vevox-poll-present.jpg If you want to link through to the Grade centre use the self-paced survey activity option. Tip: I
Page: CRN Numbers explained
Introduction A feature of the Banner system is the Course Reference Number (CRN). Each CRN is a different offering of a module. They are a five digit number and each year the series of five digits change to distinguish the current year, from previous acad


Page: Delegated Grading
Introduction Instructors can now delegate grading to other Instructors, Teaching Assistants or Graders in blocks of Random sets, Groups or all submissions. For a module of 100+ students, assign graders to a random subset of assignment submissions. This a
Page: Deleting old discussions
Introduction When modules are migrated within Blackboard Learn 9.1, they also take with them all their old Forums and related Threads - but not the details of who created the threads. You can reuse the Forums and Threads but you will have to clean out the
Page: Discussion Board - Features
Introduction Discussion boards (also known as message boards, discussion forums, and online forums) are the original social media meeting places. In a nutshell, they are online bulletin boards where people with similar interests can discuss and debate var
Page: Download a Panopto video as a MP4
Introduction There are many instances where staff may need a MP4 version of one of their Panopto videos. For example, for offline editing, or to reuse an existing Panopto video outside of Blackboard Learn. Instructions To do this: Note: You must have Inst
Page: Draft Staff Guide to the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence
This is a working document and has been informed by the work of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Teaching and Learning Working Group https://ulster.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BLS/pages/2153316353/Introduction+to+Artificial+Intelligence+AI+tools+in+educa


Page: Email and Messages Tools Explained
Introduction It is important to understand the distinction between Blackboard's Email and Messages tool. Instructors can make both tools available to students. Messages Tool Messages are private and secure text-based communication that occurs within a Cou
Page: Enhanced Group Management Tool
Introduction The Enhanced Group Management tool enables you to quickly add or remove a batch of students with the 'same' criteria e.g. Programme Code into a 'pre-created' group. For example, you might use this tool to split large numbers of students into
Page: Essentials


Page: Feedback using Turnitin Feedback Studio
Introduction - Instructor Feedback and Similarity Layer Tools Turnitin is widely known for its plagiarism detection feature. Proving equally popular and effective is the Instructor Feedback layer tools that enables assessors to provide annotated comment p
Page: Finding your Blackboard password
Introduction Note The University now receives a block login from Athens. Consequently only registered students will be able to access Library facilities from within Blackboard or the Portal. Your Blackboard Learn password is also your Network password (so
Page: Firefox and Panopto Video Issues
Introduction Staff and students using the latest versions of Firefox have reported issues accessing content in Blackboard Learn that contains Panopto videos. Description of problem When accessing Blackboard Learn content that contains a Panopto video, use


Page: Getting Started
Page: Getting started with Vevox - sessions
All Vevox activities start with a session. A session is where one or more polls, surveys, Q&A boards and/or quizzes are grouped together for a specific class. Instructions Login to the University’s Vevox account Login into your University’s Vevox account
Page: Global Advisor Access
Please note that Global Advisor Access is only available to those who have successfully completed the companion course at http://addl.ulster.ac.uk/predict http://addl.ulster.ac.uk/predict The Predict Global Advisor link is available on the Blackboard home
Page: Guide to using the Blackboard Grade Centre
Introduction The Grade Centre in Blackboard Learn is more than just a table to record students' grades. It is a dynamic and interactive tool, allowing you to record data, calculate grades and monitor student progress. In the Grade Centre, you can manage i


Page: Help with Turnitin
Page: Hide and Unhide module menu
Introduction When users log in to Blackboard Learn on a mobile device or 'low' resolution screen, screen elements such as the module menu may 'compress' or become hidden. Responsive course menu By default, the left-hand module menu will visible as shown b
Page: Host a session as a Moderator
Introduction Every Blackboard Collaborate Ultra session will a have unique Guest link and a unique Moderator link. Both links will allow you to join a Blackboard Collaborate session, but only the Moderator link will give you access to the Moderator tools
Page: How do I change my modules
Introduction You usually select your modules during Online Enrolment, however, at some point you may be required to change modules. If you have any doubt about which module you should be taking, you should check with your Course Director. Checking your cu
Page: How to Complete Online Enrolment
Introduction Now that you have accepted an offer of a place on a programme, or you are a successful returning student, your status in the University's Administration system changes to EL (Eligible to Register). In order to proceed and receive access to yo
Page: How to Create a TurnItIn Assignment Dropbox
Important: Following the update to Turnitin, the advice on this page has now been superseded by this support page: Turnitin Update 2022 Introduction Turnitin is an Internet-based plagiarism-detection and assignment submission service. While this tool is s
Page: How to Join and Share a Session
Introduction Participants can join a Blackboard Collaborate Ultra session directly from a: Unique Web address. From a module area in Blackboard Learn. By telephone. Sharing the unique web address with Participants Each Blackboard Collaborate Ultra session
Page: How to login to the Blackboard and Blackboard Instructor App
Introduction Following the recent move to Single Sign-On, the way you log into the Blackboard and Blackboard Instructor App has changed. Use the Web Login button The Blackboard app now directs you to use a Web Login (highlighted in red below). webloginbut
Page: How to record video on your mobile device
Introduction The following video shows how to record video on your mobile device e.g. iPhone, iPad and then access the file(s) to upload to ShareStream:
Page: How to setup a Panopto Student Video Assignment
Introduction The Panopto Student Video Submission tool allows students to upload a video-based assignment submission and allows teaching staff to review and mark the student videos within Blackboard Learn. This tool replaces the ShareStream media assignme
Page: How-to articles


Page: Important Update - Turnitin Building Block disabled Monday 3rd July 2023
The Turnitin Building Block integration will be disabled, in Blackboard Learn, from Monday 3rd July 2023 and all future Turnitin assignments must be created in the new LTI integration. Further information about how to do this is available at Turnitin Upda
Page: Index Page
All Pages Blackboard Learn Support
Page: Information for Assessors
The MMI interview process this year will be delivered entirely online through Microsoft Teams https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/microsoft-teams/download-app which will be installed on the University laptop at your assessment station. The process is quote co
Page: Information for Candidates
Information Webinar A recording of the Information Webinar is available to review below. The MMI interview process this year will be delivered entirely online through Microsoft Teams https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/microsoft-teams/download-app which can b
Page: Information for QAHE Students
This page provides further information for students on our London and Birmingham Campus, operated through our partnership with QA Education https://qahighereducation.com/partner-institutions/ulster-university/ https://qahighereducation.com/partner-institu
Page: Instructor Access to Predict
Introduction Instructor access is available within module areas in Blackboard. In order to use the system , you must first enable the Predict tool within the module. Enabling the predict in a module area In the left hand navigation, locate the Course Mana
Page: Internet Requirements
Introduction A stable WIFI or ethernet connection is required to access Blackboard Collaborate Ultra. We do not recommend joining a session over a mobile data connection, no matter how fast or stable, because of the mobile data cost this would incur. The
Page: Introduction to Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in education
Artificial Intelligence (AI) content creation tools have been highlighted in the media extensively since the launch of ChatGPT https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt in late November 22. The service reached 100 million users within 2 months of launch. Media cove
Page: Item and Folder Permissions
Introduction Once content is added to the Content Collection, permissions must be granted to make the content accessible to users and groups of users. Permissions enable users to read and perform actions on items and folders added to the Content Collectio





Page: Manage Permissions and Session Settings
Introduction The Session Settings allow Moderators to specify settings specific to audio and video transmission and engagement options such as chat and whiteboard permissions. How to change Session Settings To access Session settings: Select the Collabora
Page: Manage the Content Collection
Page: Managing grade visibility
Introduction This guide explains how to manage the grades students see in Blackboard Learn. Note: If you haven’t already done so, enable student access to grades by adding the My Grades tool to your module area Note: Before you add any grades to the Grade
Page: Managing the Release of Content
Page: Maximum Participants
Introduction Maximum Number of Internet Participants By default, Blackboard Collaborate Ultra can support up-to 250 participants per session. If you expect to have more than 250 participants, we will need to designate your session as a large session and e
Page: Migrating your staff account
Introduction For a number of administrative reasons, it may be necessary for a staff member to migrate to a different type of staff account. For example, an associate 'A' code staff account may need to migrate to a 'E' code staff account. The actual accou
Page: MMI Support
Page: Module Manager
Introduction The Module Manager system is an audited system intended to protect content from unauthorised access. An audit trail of each request is stored. You should use the Module Manager to: Request access to a module. Migrate content between modules.
Page: Monitor student progress




Page: Panopto Video Tools
Page: Performance Dashboard
Introduction The Performance Dashboard tool provides a window into all types of user activity in a course or organization. All users enrolled in the course are listed, with pertinent information about that user’s progress and activity in the course. Overv
Page: Printing Rubrics in Internet Explorer
Introduction Staff wanting a hard copy of rubrics for students or moderators may experience problems printing accessible versions because of the amount of information displayed by the rubric tool. Note: The following instructions are for Internet Explorer


Page: Quick Start Guide
Introduction Here is the least you need to know to create and host a Blackboard Collaborate Session. Note: While Blackboard Collaborate Ultra supports a range of web browsers, we recommend the Google Chrome https://www.google.com/chrome/browser. Add the B
Page: Quiz migration between Blackboard modules using Respondus
Introduction Respondus aids the creation and management of quizzes and exams for use within Virtual Learning Environments. This pages shows how to migrate online tests from one Blackboard Learn module to another. Respondus is a Windows ONLY application. W


Page: Reducing document size for online submission
Introduction The maximum file size that can be submitted to Turnitin is 40 megabytes. If you have created a large office document that includes images and diagrams, it may be necessary to reduce the documents file size so that it is under this limit. The
Page: Release content using Mark Reviewed
Introduction Review Status is used to release content based on the user's review of another content item. The Instructor can check the status of Student reviews on the User Progress page. Examples Some examples of uses for Review Status Criteria: Making a
Page: Requesting VLE Access for External Examiners
Introduction The Centre for Digital Learning Enhancement administers the Blackboard Helpdesk which supports, inter alia, the VLE (Blackboard). The Blackboard Helpdesk can add External Examiners to online modules on the request of a Module Coordinator (to
Page: Reset a test attempt
Introduction If the Force Completion option has been enabled in a test's settings and students encounter a problem with their test – for whatever reason – you will need to reset the student’s attempt so that they can take the test again. Note: It is criti


Page: Safari and Panopto Video Issues
Introduction Staff and students using the macOS (Apple computer) and iOS (Apple mobile device) versions of Safari have reported issues accessing content in Blackboard Learn that contains Panopto videos. Description of problem When accessing Blackboard con
Page: Select a Course Entry Point
Introduction The default course entry point is the Announcements page. In some courses, it may be advantageous to change the entry point to another area. This can be done on the Set Course Entry Point page. Note: Setting a new course entry point takes eff
Page: Service Status
Page: Session Roles
Introduction Within Blackboard Collaborate Ultra, all participants have a session role. It is important to understand these roles before creating a session. Those taking part in the session can be either a: Moderator Presenter Captioner or Participant.
Page: Share Camera
Introduction The new Share Camera option in Blackboard Collaborate Ultra gives the Moderator/Presenter the ability to share more than one camera with participants. For example, you can share your webcam video and share another camera connected to your com
Page: Share Content - Files, Application/Screen, Whiteboard, Breakout Rooms and Polls
Introduction Share Content allows a Moderator to upload content for display at any point during the session. The Content Editing tool allows for annotation of shared files during a session. Tip: Moderators can open a session at any time prior to its relea
Page: Sharing Application/Screen - Important Information for macOS Catalina Users
Introduction A number of macOS user have reported issues sharing their application/screen, even after installing the Desktop Sharing Extension https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/desktop-sharing/ajojghojfapedgfkjmhchgblmjfanggo?hl=en for Google Chro
Page: Staff Active Directory password changer
Introduction On the 14th June 2021, the way you log into Blackboard Learn will change. Blackboard Learn will have the same Single Sign-On process you use to access the MyDay Portal and University E-mail. For more information, please see our Blackboard Sin
Page: Staff Support
3735---BB-Ultra---Portal-Banner---Desktop---v3-sm.jpg https://ulster.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Ultra/overview Visit our BB Ultra support website https://ulster.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Ultra/overview for Blackboard Learn Ultra information and support Bl
Page: Start of Term Staff Checklist
Introduction This checklist will hopefully serve as a useful guide for staff setting up a Blackboard Course Area. It's a comprehensive guide on how to setup a module area to support your teaching. With useful links on How To complete the task if you are u
Page: Start of term tips
How to get started in Blackboard as soon as possible Welcome to all our new and returning students. Top tip Take a few minutes to check the following topics to gain access to Blackboard and your learning material as soon as possible. Check your Registrati
Page: Student Engagement
Page: Student Guide for the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence
This guide has been informed by the work of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Teaching and Learning Working Group. It is recognised that AI is rapidly evolving, and this document should be considered as a living document. This is version 1.1, created in
Page: Student Numbers and Email Addresses
Student Numbers When accessing support from Ulster University it is important to include your Ulster student number. QAHE students have two student numbers: A QAHE student number which is all digits and currently 8 digits long An Ulster student number in
Page: Student Support
Page: Submitting an Assignment to TurnItIn
Introduction TurnItIn is a third-party integrated into Blackboard that enables you to submit an assignment via an online dropbox. If your lecturer chooses to deploy, the TurnItIn dropbox will be accessible via your module area in Blackboard. Some student
Page: Submitting to a Panopto Student Video Assignment
Introduction Your instructor will have created a Panopto Student Video Assignment for you. To submit your video file, you must: Upload your video to your personal folder in Panopto. Personal folders provide users with a private area for the upload and sto
Page: Submitting to a Panopto Student Video Assignment using the Panopto Application
Introduction In our support page, Submitting to a Panopto Student Video Assignment, we demonstrated the process of submitting a video to a Panopto Student Video assignment using your browser. Also briefly mentioned on that page is the My Folder personal f
Page: System Requirements
Introduction In terms of operating system requirements for Blackboard Collaborate Ultra, you will need Windows 7 or higher, or macOS 10.9 or higher. Additional Requirements Audio Input and Output You will need a computer or mobile device with audio output


Page: The Collaborate Panel
Introduction From the Collaborate Panel moderators can use Chat, Manage Permissions, monitor Attendees, Share Files, Share Blank Whiteboards, Share Application/Screen, Share Polls and can create and interact with Breakout Groups. The Collaborate Panel but
Page: The Collaborate Scheduler
Introduction The Collaborate Scheduler is used to create your Blackboard Collaborate sessions as well as view recordings. Use the Collaborate Scheduler to set the date for your session, the designated start and stop times and then tell your participants h
Page: The Content Collection
Introduction The Blackboard Content Collection is a tool that allows academics and students to store, manage and share content. The Blackboard Content Collection: Is fully integrated with the Blackboard Learning System. Makes reusing files much easier - a
Page: The Course Room
Introduction The Course Room is an open session dedicated to your course. It provides you and your participants with a ‘launch point’ for classes or impromptu meetings. The default course room is available to anyone and participants can join this session
Page: The Interaction Bar - My Status, Share Audio, Video and Raise Hand
Introduction The Interaction Bar consists of icons for: My Status and Settings Share Audio Share Video and Raise Hand It is one of the most important areas of the Blackboard Collaborate Ultra workspace, as from here, moderators can share audio and video,
Page: The Media Space
Introduction The Media Space in Blackboard Collaborate Ultra is where the content of the session is displayed. Video images or profile pictures of other attendees, an interactive Whiteboard, a file (e.g., a PowerPoint presentation or PDF), or a shared app
Page: The Retention Centre
Introduction The Retention Centre replaces the Early Warning System while retaining all existing data and rules. The Retention Centre allows you to check on student progress within your course according to criteria of your choice. Students' participation
Page: The Session Menu
Introduction At the top-left corner of the Blackboard Collaborate Ultra screen, you will find the Session Menu button (also known as a ‘hamburger’ icon). sessionmenu.png Select the Session Menu button to expand and show the Session Menu pane. pane.gif The
Page: The User Interface (Moderator)
The user interface of the Blackboard Collaborate Ultra session consists of four main areas: The Media Space The Session Menu The Interaction Bar. (From here you'll share your audio, video and feedback to Participants). The The Collaborate Panel (Used to c
Page: Tips for recording videos
Introduction The following tips are intended to help staff and students recording videos for use with Panopto. We hope you find them useful. Choose lowest available video recording quality Most mobile devices default to the highest quality of video record
Page: Tips for releasing student grades and feedback in Blackboard Learn
Introduction Here are some general tips/pitfalls staff should be aware of when releasing grades/feedback to students in Blackboard Learn. Turnitin Assignment Post Dates One of the most important settings for a Turnitin assignment is the Post Date (highlig
Page: Tips for students
Downloading Panopto Videos In advance of the downtime, students can download Panopto videos temporarily. A download link will appear at the bottom of any Panopto video within Blackboard. This link will only be visible to registered students on the module
Page: Tips for taking Tests
Introduction It is worth taking some time to review your strategy before, during and after completion of an online Blackboard assessment. If you get locked out of a test, it is good practice to e-mail your Blackboard Instructor with as much information on
Page: Tracking user review of content items
Introduction The Set Review Status option allows Instructors to track user review of specific content items. Instructors can add Mark Reviewed buttons on any item. After the student has reviewed the item they select the "Mark Reviewed" button. The Instruc
Page: Turnitin - Invalid or Missing State
The problem Some users are reporting an error message Invalid or Missing State when attempting to access a Turnitin submission for marking or submitting. This error is local to the user’s web browser and Turnitin have stated that this error can occur when
Page: Turnitin AI Detection
Background In Spring 2023, Ulster established an AI in Learning, Teaching & Assessment Working Group https://ulster.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BLS/pages/2153316353/Introduction+to+Artificial+Intelligence+AI+tools+in+education to consider guidance, and poli
Page: Turnitin Assignment Tool
Page: TurnItIn FAQS for Staff
How do we allow for late submissions and extenuation? "In order to ensure that extenuation is appropriately allowed for students, you are advised to create a separate TurnItIn dropbox for late submissions. This link can be set up to become available immed
Page: TurnItIn FAQS for Students
How do I know if my submission was successful? TurnItIn will automatically email a digital receipt to the student's email address. Is there a limit on the size of the file I can submit? Yes, the file must be less than 1000MB. (Please Note: Large submissio
Page: Turnitin How To Videos
Introduction The following videos may be useful for staff when using Turnitin. How to create a Turnitin Assignment Adding a Rubric to a Turnitin Assignment How to submit to a Turnitin Assignment as a student
Page: Turnitin Update 2022
Changes to how you use Turnitin in Blackboard Turnitin has been updated for September 2022. It will affect how you use it within Blackboard Learn. The way that you add a Turnitin assignment drop box to a Blackboard Learn module and the way you access stud
Page: TurnItIn's Rubric Feature
Introduction Within TurnItIn's GradeMark tool you can integrate your marking criteria via the Rubric feature. The Rubric tool enables assessors to list the marking criteria against set standards. A number of benefits can be achieved from the integration o


Page: Ulster University Turnitin QuickMark Set
Sharing QuickMark Sets A benefit of the QuickMark functionality is the ability to share your personal QuickMark Set with colleagues via exporting and importing QuickMark sets. This feature enables assessors to quickly import a Set of pre-created standard
Page: Ultra Base Navigation for Staff
Introduction In August of 2022, Blackboard Learn will begin to use the Ultra Base Navigation (UBN). This will update the appearance of Blackboard Learn and is a stepping stone towards - a move to - Blackboard Learn Ultra. It does not significantly change
Page: Ultra Base Navigation for Students
Introduction In August of 2022, Blackboard Learn will begin to use the Ultra Base Navigation (UBN). This will update the appearance of Blackboard Learn. This update is a stepping stone towards an eventual move to Blackboard Learn Ultra. If you are a retur
Page: Unable to access Collaborate Ultra session (Spinning Purple Circle) - Google Chrome
Introduction Some staff and students have reported issues accessing the Live Sessions or Blackboard Collaborate Ultra tool links when using Google Chrome. Description After selecting the Live Sessions or Blackboard Collaborate Ultra tool link in a module
Page: Understanding Blogs, Journals, Wikis and Discussion Boards
Introduction Blackboard Learn offers you options for social communication via blogs, journals, and wikis. It is worth taking time to understand and reflect on: • Identify similarities and differences between blogs, wikis and journals • Identify potential
Page: Useful Contacts
Page: Useful e-mail and telephone contacts for students
A list of useful e-mail and telephone contacts for students and staff: Registry (Online Enrolment) Help Line Telephone +44 (0) 28 7012 3450 Blackboard Helpdesk Contact E-mail Telephone blackboardhelpdesk@ulster.ac.uk mailto:blackboardhelpdesk@ulster.ac.uk
Page: Useful Links/Quick Student Guide
Example PowerPoint Slide for display at start of session: https://ulster-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/rg_ross_ulster_ac_uk/Eexh3LSJCppKvHJCrRQgiF0BkWy_c4FyGqEozk23jZPHXQ?e=yLICYG https://ulster-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/rg_ross_ulster_ac_uk/Eex
Page: Using Panopto Capture
Introduction Panopto Capture is a browser-based capture tool that allows staff and students to record audio, video and entire screens or application windows. Panopto Capture can be accessed directly from within a supported browser. There is no need to dow
Page: Using Panopto with Ulster University Blackboard
Introduction Panopto is a media streaming application that is integrated into Blackboard Learn. It allows users to embed video and audio within learning content. It also provides video-based assignments (with grade centre integration), in-browser editing
Page: Using Student Preview Mode
Introduction In prior Blackboard Learn versions, staff had to use the Add Test Student tool and then login to Blackboard separately as the test student. However, in Blackboard Learn October 2014 there is a new feature, Enter Student Preview. Enter Studen
Page: Using the Blackboard Learn Calendar tool
Introduction The calendar has been redesigned to give students and Instructors a more modern tool, both in terms of look and functionality. Instructors can use the course calendar to provide students with dates for course related events. Course calendar e
Page: Using the Panopto assignment folder
Introduction An alternative method of accepting student video submissions via Panopto is to create an Assignment Folder. The Instructor will be able to view all recordings uploaded to the Assignment folder. Students will only be able view the recordings t
Page: Using the Portfolio tool
Introduction Portfolios are methods of collecting and organising pieces of work over time. They are compilations of work with a general purpose or goal to showcase progress and achievement. Users are given tools to present their information in a cohesive,
Page: Using Turnitin QuickMarks
QuickMarks Introduction The QuickMark comments feature enables collections of feedback comments to be stored and reused, these collections are referred to as SETS. Below is a list of the features available within the QuickMark tool. Provided QuickMark's S
Page: Using Twitter for Student Engagement
Introduction In academic year 2015/16, the eLearning Course Director's Forum and VLE Futures Working Group worked on a recommendations paper for using Twitter for Student Engagement. The paper was subsequently endorsed by the Digital Learning Sub Committe
Page: Using WebDAV to upload content
Introduction WebDAV is used for sharing files over the Internet and is compatible with most operating systems. When put into use with Blackboard Learn, WebDAV is a means for users to access content from their course repository as if it were any other netw


Page: Vevox
vevox-phone.png What is Vevox? An online polling/survey/quiz engine integrated into Blackboard Learn. This means you can quickly add interactivity such as quizzes, Q&A discussions and feedback surveys into your existing Blackboard modules. Why use Vevox?






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