Creating Live Wordcloud Polls with Vevox

Creating Live Wordcloud Polls with Vevox

Vevox Polls allow you to create polls and quizzes that are designed to be conducted live in class, and not graded in the Grade centre.

Screenshot of Vevox Word Cloud Poll

If you want to link through to the Grade centre use the self-paced survey activity option.

Tip: In Vevox a Poll refers to a single question.


  1. Create a new Poll

After you create a session, you are automatically taken into Polls dashboard. If you are returning to Vevox, click on your session name.

Click on Create new.



  1. Add the question

Select ‘Word cloud’ from Question type drop down.


Type in your question into the question title text box.


  1. (Optional) Add an image

Click on the image icon beside the Question title.

This opens open the Image dialogue box, click on the centre to open up a list of files, select the image you want to use, then click Open.

Add the Alt text for the image, then click Create.

You question will now appear in the polls dashboard, it is ready to be added to Blackboard.


  1. (Optional) Edit your poll

If you want to edit the image or question in the poll, click on the three dots in the bottom right corner and select Edit from the drop-down menu.


If the Edit option is not available after the Session is started, Clear results to see the Edit option.

Edit a poll


  1. Add your poll to Blackboard

Vevox is an add-on to Blackboard; therefore you need to use Content Market to add it to Blackboard learning content.

Within the course Content area, go to the location you wish to add your poll e.g. Week 5 folder, click on the circle with the plus to add content:


This opens the Add content menu… select Content Market.


This opens up the list of ‘Institution tools’, arranged in alphabetic order, select Vevox.


This opens up the Vevox tool, select the session that contains your poll.

Select Live Polling:



Then select whether you want participants to be anonymous or identified e.g. whether you want the participants' marks sent to the Gradebook

  • Anonymous = Participants are fully anonymous therefore no grading information can be passed back to the VLE/LMS

  • Identified = Names will be hidden for other participants, but the participants identity will be visible in the data reports and will pass back correct answer grading information to the VLE/LMS

For Word Cloud polls select Anonymous, then click Done.


This embeds the Vevox session in your course learning content.


  1. Change the name of activity

You can use the ellipsis (three dots) to access drop down menu. Select the Edit option to give the activity a more intuitive name.


This opens up the right hand settings panel. Click on the name of your poll.

Delete the old name using the backspace, then type in the new name and then click on Save.




  1. Launching your poll

Before class, click on the poll in Blackboard to launch the activity.

This opens up the Vevox tool inside Blackboard, select Open in New tab.


This takes you through to the activity in the Vevox dashboard.

You always need to open the session and the poll to allow participants to have access

Click on Open/ Re-open Poll.

If the session hasn’t been started, click Yes to start the session .


Then use the bottom panel to set a timer if required and set whether you want to display the results on screen (Show Results) while students are selecting their options.


Once you are ready to run the activity in the class, click on Present Fullscreen


  1. Student accessing the Poll

The Vevox screen will contain the question, QR code and Session ID for participants’ access


Students can either scan in QR code with their phones or enter “vevox.app” into the address bar of their browser and enter Session ID. They can then add their response


You’ll see the students’ selections come through into the Vevox dashboard

When students have finished making their selections. You can display their choices by selecting ‘Show Results’.


Click on Stop poll, to stop the session.

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Centre for Digital Learning Enhancement