System Requirements

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Visit Student Blackboard Ultra support for information and guides for digital learning with Blackboard Ultra

System Requirements


In terms of operating system requirements for Blackboard Collaborate Ultra, you will need Windows 7 or higher, or macOS 10.9 or higher.

Table of contents

Additional Requirements

Audio Input and Output

You will need a computer or mobile device with audio output - via speakers or headphones -and optionally, an audio input device in the form of a built-in or external microphone.

Presenting from home or office

To broadcast from home, we recommend using a headset with a built-in microphone. These types of headsets can greatly improve the ability to hear others in the session and respond without interference from your immediate surroundings. Many people use the headphone/microphone sets that came with their mobile phone. The USB Headset currently used by the Centre for Digital Learning Enhancement is the Logitech H390 Wired Headset. Some staff may also have access to Jabra headphones supplied by Telecomms. Almost any USB headset will be an improvement over a built-in microphone.

Presenting from lecture theatre or lab

To broadcast from a lecture theatre, we recommend using a USB boundary microphone like the MXL AC404 USB Conferencing Microphone. Boundary microphones like these can pick up a presenter’s voice from up to 20 feet (6 metres). A small number of boundary microphones are available to borrow from Digital Services on all campuses, or from the Centre for Digital Learning Enhancement


Your computer or device may already have a built-in webcam, or you can connect a USB webcam. It is useful for the Moderator to have access to a webcam so that Participants can see them, but it is entirely optional. The webcam currently used by the Office for Digital Learning is Logitech C920 HD Pro camera. A small number of these cameras are available to borrow from the Centre for Digital Learning Enhancement.

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