Uploading coursework to a Turnitin assignment drop-box

Uploading coursework to a Turnitin assignment drop-box

A drop-box is an online folder in Blackboard which accepts submissions from students. A Turnitin assignment drop-box is used for text-based submissions, you can recognise it by the rocket icon image-20241119-185302.png. It can generate a similarity report which compares student submissions to a database of web pages.


Turnitin supported file types

Your file must be saved in a recognisable text format to generate a similarity report. Save your file in one of the following formats including: Microsoft Word (file.doc or file.docx), Plain text (file.txt), Rich Text Format (file.rtf), PDF with highlightable text (file.pdf)


Uploading your assignment to Turnitin dropbox

  1. Navigate to the Turnitin dropbox via the Gradebook, Calendar Due dates or Assessment and Feedback folder in Course Content in your module.




  1. Click on the name of the Turnitin drop box (with the image-20240925-114058.png rocket shaped icon beside it). This opens up assignment information panel at the side of your screen, click on Launch to open the Turnitin dropbox.

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  1. This opens the Turnitin dropbox, you can access information about the assignment by clicking on the name of assignment beside the arrow. Here you can find due dates, release dates whether there is a rubric (marking grid) or if multiple attempts or late submissions are allowed.

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  1. To submit your file , click on Upload Submission, this opens the Submit File screen.

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  1. To submit a text file that is

a. saved on your device …,

either drag your file from a folder onto the Submit File screen….

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… or click on Choose file.

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This opens up the file navigation screen, navigate to where you saved your file, click on it and select Open.

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The name of your file with appear beside the Choose file button. You can change the Submission title, if required, then click on Upload and Review.

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b. You can also upload a file saved to the cloud such as your university OneDrive by clicking on Cloud Submission in the Submit File window and selecting OneDrive

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You are then logged into your OneDrive folder, navigate to your file, select it then click on Select

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  1. Next you can review your submission, remember to check if it’s the right file format (you can click on Cancel Submission if it’s the wrong file). If you are happy that it is correct, click on Submit to Turnitin

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7. You will get a confirmation that submission is complete

Submit complete screen in turnitin
  1. Click on the link to download your digital receipt:

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Resubmitting to a Turnitin dropbox

Sometimes Turnitin dropboxes allow multiple submissions, check the submission settings in the Turnitin dropbox:

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Follow the steps 1-2 above to resubmit your coursework e.g. open the Turnitin drop-box by selecting the assignment name …


clicking on Launch in the assignment information panel at the side.

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This opens the Turnitin dropbox; here you will see your submission. On the right hand side, if enabled, (again check your settings), you will see your similarity score alongside the upload, download and receipt icons.

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Click on the up arrow image-20241119-204010.png to begin the submission process again. You’ll be asked to confirm resubmission, click Confirm. This will take you to the Submit File screen. Follow the steps 5-8 to resubmit your coursework.


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Video guide: uploading an assignment to Turnitin

Full list of supported file types

If an assignment is set to allow only files that Turnitin can check for similarity, Turnitin will only accept files that can generate Similarity Reports. This includes:

  • files less than 100MB,

  • files with a minimum of 20 words

  • file less than 800 pages

  • Microsoft Word (DOC and DOCX)

  • Corel WordPerfect

  • HTML

  • Adobe PostScript

  • Plain text (TXT)

  • Rich Text Format (RTF)

  • Portable Document Format (PDF)

  • OpenOffice (ODT)

  • See the Turnitin website for more information on supported files

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