Submitting coursework to drop-boxes

Submitting coursework to drop-boxes

At some stage during your university experience, you will be expected you to submit coursework online in your Blackboard module.

Screenshot 2024-11-19 at 16.17.35.png
Examples of a Blackboard and Turnitin assignment drop-boxes

Then you will be asked to upload a file such as a Word document to an assignment drop-box. An assignment drop-box is just an online folder in Blackboard that accepts submissions from students. Once marked, you can review your submission, mark and feedback in Gradebook.

You can recognise the different types of assignment drop-boxes by their icons; they have slightly different functionalities and capabilities:

image-20240925-103858.png A Turnitin assignment drop-box only accepts text-based submissions. It can be set to generate a similarity report which compares your submission to sources in a database of web pages.

image-20240925-104052.png A Blackboard assignment drop-box accepts text, image and video coursework. It allows for group assignments and has marking options such as peer-review and anonymous marking. If enabled, a Blackboard dropbox can also be set to generate a similarity reports on a text-submission.

Finding your coursework dropboxes:

You can access your coursework submission drop boxes in a number of ways in Blackboard

  • through Assessment and feedback Folder in the Course content area:



  • or through Gradebook



  • or in Calendar view and clicking on Due Dates

Submitting coursework to an assignment dropbox

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