View similarity report for a Turnitin assignment

View similarity report for a Turnitin assignment

A Turnitin assignment drop-box is used for text-based submissions, you can recognise it by the rocket icon image-20241119-185302.png. It can generate a similarity report which compares student submissions to a database of web pages.

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View your similarity score

You can view your similarity report and your similarity score, once you have submitted an assignment to the Turnitin dropbox.

After submitting your work, you may need to wait for your score to be generated in Turnitin

In your assignment dropbox, click on the similarity score next to your submission.

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This opens a new Turnitin Feedback Studio window, where you can view more details and access the similarity report. Click on the similarity score in the panel on the right hand side.


This will display the matches that Turnitn has identified; matches will be highlighted in the text of the submission with a list of corresponding online sources listed in the side panel.

Why would similarity report and score not show in Turnitin?

There could be two reasons a similarity score does not appear under the similarity column:

  • If your lecturer has turned off student access to the Similarity Report, you will see a paper icon with a line cut through it.

  • If the the Similarity Report is still being generated, you will see a dash ( — ) under the Similarity column. This will be updated once it has finished processing.

Turnitin assignment settings

Turnitin assignment dropboxes can be set to allow single or multiple submissions with the availability of similarity reports set to after submission or after marking.


Generally, draft assignments will be given multiple submission attempts that allow you to check, improve and resubmit your coursework. In this case, you can normally view your Turnitin similarity report as soon as you submit the draft.

However, final assignments in Turnitin, may be restricted to one submission attempt and you may not be able to see the similarity report until after the submission has been marked.

Check your assignment settings to see if viewing the similarity report or resubmissions are allowed

  • In your Turnitin assignment dashboard, click on the assignment's name

  • This reveals the assignment settings. Under Additional settings you can check whether the similarity report is available after submission and if you are allowed resubmissions

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