Upload a Turnitin assignment on Blackboard Learn Ultra

This section explains how to upload your assignment to a Turnitin drop box


  1. To submit an assignment to a Turnitin drop box, navigate to the assessment and feedback section in your module, locate the folder that your Turnitin drop box is in and then click on the name of the actual Turnitin drop box (with the rocket shaped icon beside it).

    Image of a typical Turnitin Dropbox

  2. You will then need to click on Launch, it will be located to the lower left of your screen, to open the Turnitin interface.

    Launch button to access Turnitin

  3. You can then upload your assignment by clicking on Choose file, or dragging and dropping your assignment or accessing it via Cloud Submission (i.e OneDrive)

  4. Select your file, make sure it is correct, rename it if required and then click on Upload and Review

  5. Once you are happy that it is correct, click on Submit to Turnitin

6. You will get a confirmation that submission is complete


7. You will then be able to download your digital receipt

Video of uploading an assignment to Turnitin

For resubmissions to the same drop box (if allowed to resubmit until the due date) click on the up arrow to begin the submission process again

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Centre for Digital Learning Enhancement