This page contains Blackboard Original support material

Visit Blackboard Ultra Staff support for information and guides for teaching with Blackboard Ultra
Visit Student Blackboard Ultra support for information and guides for digital learning with Blackboard Ultra

Internet Requirements


A stable WIFI or ethernet connection is required to access Blackboard Collaborate Ultra. We do not recommend joining a session over a mobile data connection, no matter how fast or stable, because of the mobile data cost this would incur.

The primary factors in bandwidth consumption for Blackboard Collaborate Ultra are sharing webcam videos and sharing applications.

  • Webcam video bandwidth uses ranges from 360kbps download to 20kbps per camera, up to 4 cameras
  • Audio always uses 48kbps
  • The ability to receive application sharing and audio is available as low as 88kbps (low quality)
  • Application sharing bandwidth uses ranges from 500kbps down to 70kbps
  • Can show 4 cameras with audio as low as 128kbps and with a max of 1488kbps.
  • A small amount of overhead is also required for chat, etc.

(kbps = kilobits per second. 1000 kilobits = 1 megabyte (MB) download speed)

We recommend at least a 1.5MB download speed connection for Moderators/Instructors who intend to Share Applications, only or use multiple webcams.