Creating a Blackboard Assignment dropbox
You can use Blackboard Assignment drop-boxes for text, audio, multimedia coursework submissions (on and offline) from individuals or groups in your class. You can now add a similarity report.
Accepted submission file types
The Blackboard Assignment dropbox allows students to submit audio, video, text, graphic and executables files. File formats supported include:
Text: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .txt
Graphic: .jpg, .png, .pdf, TIFF
Audio: mp3, AIFF, .wav
Video: mp4, AVI, .mov
Other: HTML, .exe, .ppt
Blackboard help has a full list of accepted files
Creating a Blackboard Assignment dropbox
You create a Blackboard assignment alongside other Course content. As with all other content, you can move the Assignment within the Content by clicking and dragging.
Please include a link to the Academic Misconduct Policy in your assessment and feedback folder.
In your Module’s Course Content, click the + sign where you want the Assignment to display. In the drop-down menu, select Create
This opens the Create Item panel, select Assignment.
The New Assignment page opens.
Click on the top left hand corner to give your assignment a name, t is recommended that you preface the name with Coursework 1 or 2
Add assignment instructions by typing in the text edit box and click Save
Set your Due-date by clicking on the date
This will open up Assignment Settings, click on the date to open up the calendar and select the deadline for submission, select the time to set an alternative time for submission if required.
Scroll down to Marking and Submissions section of the settings. Here you can change the number of attempts allowed and choice of marks (points or percentages).
Click Save. When you click save, a column for this assignment will automatically be created in Gradebook.
There are a range of additional Assignment settings you may wish to use.
When you are happy with the settings, remember to make you dropbox visible to students
Auto-generating your assignment prompt with AI
The AI design assistant will generate an assignment prompt based on a description or existing course content.
Always check AI-generated content for bias and accuracy.
In Course Content choose the plus icon and select Create from the drop-down menu.
This brings up the Create Items menu, scroll down to Assessment and select Assignment.
This brings up the Assignment editor, select Auto-generate assignment
This opens up the AI design assistant …
Define the Assignment: either add a Description or Select course items to inform the AI, e.g. select presentations or journal articles that reflect the topic of assessment.
Clicking on Select course items, allows you to select items from your module to inform the AI. Use the check boxes to select the items and click on the Select Items button
Chose the Desired cognitive level e.g. Evaluate or Inspire me for selection of levels. Then chose Complexity on a scale from undergraduate to PhD. Now select Generate.
This will give you a number of assignment prompts and titles with relevant cognitive level (if not specified before hand). Select the most appropriate prompt and click Add.
This adds the prompt and the title to the Assignment editor, edit the prompt and adjust your assignment settings.
Set your Due date by clicking on the date
This will open up Assignment Settings, click on the date to open up the calendar and select the deadline for submission, select the time to set an alternative time for submission if required.
Scroll down to Marking and Submissions section of the settings. Here you can change the number of attempts allowed and choice of marks (points or percentages).
Click Save. When you click save, a column for this assignment will automatically be created in Gradebook.
There are a range of additional Assignment settings you may wish to use.
Find out more about Blackboard AI tools
Assignment Settings
You can also use the cog icon to open the Assignment Settings. The following is a list of the more advanced functions you may wish to use.
Details and Information
Prohibit late submissions: Students will not be able to submit after the due date. Any draft submissions will be submitted automatically.
Prohibit new attempts after due date: Students can’t start a submission once the due date has passed.
Allow class conversation: Turns on Class Conversation feature for this Assignment
Collect submissions offline: Use this option if the assessment takes place outside of Blackboard, such as a presentation, simulation, or other real-life scenario assessment. Marks can then be entered directly into the Grade Book.
Formative Tools: Use this option if the Assignment should not be part of the Grade Total Calculations
Marking and Submissions
Mark category: Mark categories are used to group assignments. Categories can be used when creating calculated items. You can create new categories in the Gradebook Settings.
Attempts allowed: Amend this if you wish students to have more than 1 attempt. If you select more than 1, you will be given the option of which attempt to mark:
Mark using: Select the appropriate marking scheme: letter, points, percentage, complete/incomplete.
Maximum points: It is recommended to keep this value at 100. Changing this has implications for mark fidelity. If your assignments have different weightings, these can be applied in the Total Grade Calculation (see Using Blackboard Ultra Gradebook)
Anonymous marking: Once this option is turned on, it cannot be turned off until the grades are posted
Two markers per student: Turns on the Assign Markers facility. Marks must be reconciled.
Peer review: Opens the Peer Review settings. Peer review works by randomly allocating submissions for students to review by a deadline added in the Peer Review settings.
Delegated marking: Allocate markers to groups of students. Single or multiple markers. In the case of multiple markers, marks must be reconciled.
Assessment mark
Post marks automatically: Automatically posts the mark when the assessment has been marked. Turn this setting off if you want to manually control when students see their mark in the Gradebook
Assessment security
Access code: Generates a code which must be provided to the students in order to start an attempt.
Additional Tools
Time limit: Let you set a time limit within which the assessment must be completed, often used for tests.
Use marking rubric: Opens the rubric editor you can add a previous rubric or create a new one.
Goals and standards: Opens an area for you to set or select goals or standards to align your assignment to.
Assign to groups: Allocate the assignment to groups of students. This opens the facility to assign the assignment to an existing group or create new groups (note these will only exist within this assignment).
Originality report: Turns on TurnItIn as a plugin to provide the Originality Report.
Be clear with students about due date/time for assignments, is this within office hours so they can seek support if required? Let students know when they can expect feedback
Video: adding a Blackboard Assignment
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