Delegated Marking

Delegated Marking

What is delegated marking?

Delegated marking, is a marking option available within Blackboard assignment's settings that allows you to assign the marking of a group of student submissions to particular staff on your course. This is suitable for courses with established groups assigned to e-tutors or subject specific assignments.

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Delegated markers can only mark submissions in Gradebook which have been assigned to them using groups and group-sets.

How has it changed from Blackboard Original

In the Blackboard Original version, Delegated Marking permitted double marking; being able to provide two marks per student submission before the marks were reconciled. This feature is not available in the Blackboard Ultra version.

Delegated marking no longer supports double marking, it can only be used to distribute marking tasks to multiple markers when only a single mark is required.

Delegated marking can be used to distribute marking tasks among different staff members. You can assign one marker per group of students for large cohorts and the marker will only see those students they are assigned.

 Note: Delegated marking works with one marker per submission, whereas two markers per Student (parallel marking) allows for random assignment of two markers per student with a reconciler that reconciles the grades.


Delegated marking needs a groupset and groups to distribute the marking tasks between markers. You’ll need to set up your groups before assigning markers. If you haven’t set up your groups …

Click Groups in the course toolbar and click New Group Set.

Blackboard Ultra Manage groups New group option highlighted


Give the Group Set a name by clicking on the title on the top left hand corner.

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Then set up your groups inside it. Click the arrow on the Group students drop-down menu to select how you want to set up your groups.

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Once you have set up your groups click on your Blackboard assignment

The delegated marking option can be accessed via the Assignment settings cog on the top right corner of the Blackboard assignment editing screen.

Blackboard Ultra assignment editing screenshot

You will find the delegated marking option under the Marking & Submissions section. Select the tick box beside Delegated Marking, then select Assign markers.

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On the Delegated Marking page, select the group set that contains the groups of students you want to assign to markers.

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  1. Select a marker from the dropdown menu for each group.


Each group should be assigned at least one marker, when all groups have markers assigned click Save.



  1. Click on Save in the Assignment settings panel.

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Characteristics of Delegated Marking

  • Markers assigned to a group of students can only view submissions for those students on the assessment’s submission page and in Gradebook's Overview and Markable items views.

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  • If multiple markers are assigned to the same group, they will share the grading responsibility of members, however only one marker can add a mark to each submission.  They can only post grades for their assigned group members.

  • Unassigned instructors can view all student submissions on the assessment’s submission page and in Gradebook. They can post grades for all students. 

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