Making your module usable and accessible
Although Blackboard has developed the new Ultra interface to be more accessible and usable for students, there are still opportunities to improve the usability and accessibility of your module in order to enhance students' learning experiences.
We achieve usability by understanding and designing for the user, their needs, task and context. Incorporating usability principles into the design and development of of your module will minimise the cognitive load for the student allowing them to focus on the learning process.
Making module learning content and assessment accessible and usable reflects Jisc’s Principles of good assessment and feedback Principle two: “Support the personalised needs of learners by being accessible, inclusive and compassionate“
Making your module usable
Making your module accessible
According to the Digital Experience Insights Survey 2023, 18% of Ulster University students declared an impairment, health condition or learning difference, it is therefore important to make learning materials with Blackboard accessible.
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Centre for Digital Learning Enhancement