Adding accommodations, exceptions and exemptions
Blackboard Ultra Gradebook allows the creation of accommodations for students with Reasonable Adjustments (RARs). That accommodation will affect all forms of assessment within the module. If you want to make adjustments for a student in one assessment in exceptional circumstances you can create an exception or an exemption.
Adding an accommodation
You can set up an accommodation for a student with Reasonable Adjustments (RARs) in Gradebook. Students with accommodations are identified throughout the module with a purple flag beside their name.
Click on the ‘Gradebook’ and select Students view
Click on the three dots (ellipses) to the far right of the row for the student you wish to add an accommodation for:
Select ‘Accommodations’ and then tick ‘Time limit accommodation’. Then add in the custom percentage for the student as per their RAR > Click SAVE. The extra time is calculated as a percentage of the original time allowed for the assessment and added for each individual student according to their pre-set accommodation.
If you set a time accommodation for a student, then all time-based assessments in that module are automatically adjusted to with the specified amount of additional time.
Adding an exception
An exception is associated with one assessment and is used for exceptional circumstances like a hospital appointment. An exception will be denoted by a timer in the student's row in the column of that assessment in Gradebook (Marks view)
Set up an exception by going to Marks view in Gradebook. In the Blackboard assignment column, click on the student's cell and select Add or edit exceptions.
This opens up the Exception settings panel for that assignment, choose from Assessment due date, show and hide and attempts allowed and click Save.
The student will have the timer symbol appear beside their name.
Adding an exemption
An exemption is associated with one assessment and is used to exempt a student from an assessment e.g. they do not have to submit or take part in that assessment.
Set up an exemption by going to Marks view in Gradebook. In the Blackboard assignment column, click on the student's cell and select Add or edit exemption.
This opens up the 'Exemption from marking' panel, check the tick box and click Save.
The student cell in the assessment column will appear as ‘Exempt’
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