Rolling over your Blackboard Ultra modules

Rolling over your Blackboard Ultra modules

The introduction of Blackboard Ultra has changed the process of ‘rolling over modules’ e.g. putting your online module live in Blackboard.

You have two options to set up your online module in Blackboard:

  1. You can set up a new blank Ultra template in Module Manager and use Blackboard to copy a previous live module over to the blank template (described below)

  2. Or set up your module using an existing Ultra Development area

This guide covers the former option and shows you how to use Module manager to set up a new Ultra blank template, then copy a previously live module over to the blank template in Blackboard.

Rolling over your module using a Blank template

  1. Go to Module manager select Access from the Modules drop-down navigation

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Enter your Module code into the text box.


You’ll see a list of all the courses with that module code.

Check the CRN of the module.

There may be several versions of the same module running on different campuses or semesters, but each will a unique Course Reference Number CRN. Use the CRN to identify the right course and double-check the start date and the campus to make sure your selection is correct. If you are unsure, contact the module co-ordinator, their name appears beside the start date in Module Manager.

Select Instructor from the ‘Your access level’ dropdown in the module you wish to rollover.

This opens up the migration window. Select ‘Click Here First’ to specify the source.


This opens the 'Content source' screen. Select Ultra template, check the radio button beside ‘Ultra module template’ and select Update.



The source will change to ‘TEMPLATE_module_ultra’, change the start date if you need to, and select Submit.



After a few minutes your you’ll see your module listed in Blackboard.

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Click on the course name to open your module. You’ll see it’s a template with empty folders and learning modules.

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You need to delete the empty items. Select the ellipsis at the top of the Course Content and select Batch Edit.

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Select the checkboxes beside the empty items and select Delete items

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Now you can copy content over from your previous module. Select the ellipsis at the top of the Course Content area and choose Copy items from the context menu.

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You can copy over specific items or a whole module.

  • Copying a whole module

Enter the module code of the source module in the ‘Search by course name or ID’ text box. A list of matching live modules appear. Check the CRNs and select the check-box beside the module that will be the source of the content (you’ll need Instructor access to that module too); select Start Copy.

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  • Copying a selection of items from previous module:

Enter the module code of the source module in the ‘Search by course name or ID’ text box. A list of matching live modules appear. Check the CRNs and select the arrow beside the name of the module that will act as source of the content (you’ll need Instructor access to that module too).

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Navigate the folders and select the items you wish to copy by selecting the check boxes. On the right, you’ll see a list of Items to be copied over. When you are ready click Start Copy to copy the items.

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If the source module is in Ultra the module should copy smoothly, if the source module is in Blackboard Original you might get exceptions. See Blackboard Ultra exception notices for more information.

Remember don’t copy over assignment dropboxes, it’s best practice to set up new assignment dropboxes

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