Adaptive release

Within Blackboard Ultra you can set release conditions onto the content items within your course. You can do this whenever you create/add the content or at a later date. The content can be released using different conditions: Date/Time or Performance.



Setting up Release conditions

  1. You can either go to the … (three dots) to the right of the content and choose edit, or when you add new content choose the drop down arrow beside ‘visible to students’.

Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 14.57.44.png


  1. Choose ‘Release conditions’.

  2. The following menu will appear. This is where you can choose whether it is for all users in the module or certain groups (these would need to be set up in advance using the groups tool*).

Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 15.01.47.png


  1. Choose whether you want Date/time or Performance based conditions. You do have the option to choose both. (see below for more on each one)

  2. You will then get asked if you want the content to show or hide the content until the conditions are met. If it is visible, they cannot access it without meeting the conditions.

Date/Time Release conditions

When you select the Date/Time condition you get an option to choose which date/time you show/hide the content. Click Save.


Performance Release conditions

When you select performance then you get a list of all the markable items you have and you can choose from the list. You then choose what score you would like students to perform above in order for the item to appear. Click Save.

Carefully consider you use of adaptive release. Some students like to work ahead when they find some spare time.

Centre for Digital Learning Enhancement