Checking your module enrolments

Checking your module enrolments

You usually select your modules during Online Enrolment, however, at some point you may need change modules. If you have any doubt about which module you should be taking, you should check with your Course Director.

Once enrolled on your course, you can check what modules you are registered on by logging into Student Self Service Banner.

screen shot of the Student Banner system with the Student and Financial Aid tab selected



  1. Log into Banner Student system via the student portal and select the Banner Student tile.

    Alternatively, you can follow this direct web address to Student Banner System.


  1. Input your User ID and PIN:

    • Your User ID is your student B number and your initial PIN is your date of birth in the format DDMMYY.

    • Select the Login button.

Student Banner system login screen
  1. You are now logged into the Student Banner system. Select the "Student and Financial Aid" tab.

Student Banner system welcome screen


  1. Select the "Registration" link

Student Banner system Student records, fees and financial aid screen with registration highlighted


and click on the "Current Module Enrolments' link

Student Banner system registration screen, current module enrolments button highlighted

You now should see a list of modules on which you are registered:

Student Banner system registration screen, current module enrolments screen


  • You can also check 'Module Enrolment History' to view previous module additions or deletions.

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Centre for Digital Learning Enhancement