Registration and module enrolment

Registration and module enrolment

To get access to the Blackboard online learning environment you need to have

The university uses the Student Banner system to maintain student records including fees, personal information and enrolment.

If you cannot sign in to Blackboard or you do not see the correct courses in Blackboard course view. You can log into the Student Banner System to:

At the start of the year you may be able to change your modules

Logging into Student Banner system

  1. You can access the Student Banner system in two ways:

Logging into the student portal and selecting the Banner Student tile.

student portal with the student banner tile highlighted

Or you can follow this direct web address to Student Banner System


  1. Input your User ID and PIN:

    • Your User ID is your student B number and your initial PIN is your date of birth in the format DDMMYY.

    • Select the Login button.

Student banner system login screen

You are now logged into the Student Banner system.

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Centre for Digital Learning Enhancement