Blackboard Ultra course interface

Blackboard Ultra course interface

Each or your modules will have have it’s own self-contained course area in Blackboard Ultra. This area will contain your learning materials, assignments, timetable, curriculum, discussions and messages relating to your module.

For returning students, the Blackboard Ultra interface replaces the Original layout. The new interface has been simplified to be more accessible and mobile friendly.


Blackboard Ultra course content view on mobile

BB Ultra Course content area on phone


Blackboard Ultra course content view on desktop

BB Ultra Course view on Desktop

Guide to the new Ultra Course Interface

The title of the module will appear at the top, then a Course toolbar for navigation through the different course areas in your module.



Course Tools

The course tools along the top of the page allow you to navigate between different areas of your course.


The Content area is the default view of your course in Blackboard Ultra.

On the righht hand side, your instructors are listed under Course Staff, you can use the envelope icon to send them a message.

The Details and Actions pane contains the class register which contains a list of students on the course. Class Collaborate is where you find your live lecture sessions.

On the right, the Course Content area is where you find your module handbook, lecture materials and assessment information and submission drop-boxes etc.

Ultra uses icons to help you identify the type and format of the content:


The course Calendar can be used to find course information such as assignment due-dates, timetable of lectures, workshops and Collaborate Live session times.

The default calendar view is by Day, any events for that day is represented by a coloured dot beneath the date (greyed out dots indicate events attached to other dates in your calendar).

You can then scroll through the timeline to find the events or assignment due-dates.

Clicking on a due-date will open the assignment submission dropbox

You can change between Day and Month view using the toggle button in the top-right corner

In Month view you can see all your due dates and events for that month.

NB Clicking on any event or due date will take you into the corresponding day.


You can also toggle between Schedule and Due Dates, to view only assignment due dates use the Due Dates button in the top-left corner.



Announcements contain important and/or time-sensitive messages from your instructors such as due-dates for assignments and projects, changes to the syllabus, and exam dates. Any announcements that pop-up when you log-in to your course are stored here.




The Messages tool can be used to send and receive messages to and from course members and instructors within your module. The default view is a list of messages that you have sent and received:


Click on one to see the full message, you can use the arrows to step through the messages. Some messages will have a reply box at the bottom of the message, some will have this functionality disabled.

By default, messages only exist within Blackboard Learn; they are only sent to e-mail accounts if the ‘Send as an email copy to recipients’ is checked


Sending messages

Click on New Message to open up the New Message window


Select a recipient from the drop-down menu either an Instructor, all Instructors or a course member.


Type your message in the editor, select whether you want an email copy sent, and click Send.



The Discussions tool contains a full list of all the discussions within your module. The blue speech bubble indicates an ongoing discussion with responses from staff and of fellow students.

Click on the discussion name to view the topic and read and respond to your classmates' posts.

At the top is the topic of the discussion posted by your instructor, beneath the topic are the responses. You can use the text box to respond to the topic and read and reply to other responses. A list of participants appears on the right hand side.



The Blackboard Ultra Gradebook allows you to view assignment due dates, access assignment submission drop boxes, review submissions and view marks and instructor feedback.

Gradebook contains a list of all your assignments for that module. It lists each assignment's due date, its status (e.g. Unopened by you, Submitted, or Marked) and links to Instructor feedback.

Clicking on an assignment name takes you to the assignment submission drop box, here you can submit your assignment. If it has been submitted, you can review your submission.


If it has been marked you can review the break down of the marks and feedback.


The Groups tool allows you to view your groups and communicate with the members of those groups.

Click on show members to see the other members of each group, use the envelope icon to send them a message.

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