Module Information folder

Module Information folder

The new Blackboard Ultra template contains a Module Information folder in the Course Content area. This is a folder for general module information such as the module handbook, module description, reading lists, library information, a module welcome message and contact details for staff. For instance:

Example of a Module Information folder


Module Information folder

By default, the Ultra Module Information folder is empty and hidden from students (indicated by the strikethrough).

Blackboard Ultra course content view Module information folder

You can either copy module information from previous courses or create new items.

To create new items, use the drop-down arrow to open the folder. This reveals a plus in a circle. Use this to create or upload documents.

Blackboard Ultra course content view Module information folder opened with plus symbol highlighted


Adding a Module Welcome page

Use a Module Welcome document to provide a personalised introduction to your course. You can use this page to provide students with an overview of the module, its key learning outcomes and primary forms of learning and assessment.

Blackboard Ultra Welcome information page


Click on the plus inside the folder and select Create from the context menu.

Blackboard Ultra course content view Module information folder context menu create option highlighted


Select Document from the right hand menu.


BB Ultra Create Item context menu document option highlighted


To add your title to the page, click on the top left hand side where it says ‘New Document’ and start typing.

BB Ultra New document window new title added


Next click on Add Content:

BB Ultra document window add content option highlighted


This will open up the Content editor, which is similar to the Blackboard Learn content editor. You can type directly into the editor or copy and paste text, using the toolbar to format and add headings.

BB Ultra document window content editor


You can also use the toolbar to add other types of content including images, tables, pdfs and videos. Use the plus symbol at the end of the toolbar to add other elements such as video.

To add a Panopto welcome video, click on the plus in the toolbar and select Content Market.

BB Ultra document window content editor insert content context menu open with Context Market highlighted


This opens up the Learning Tools options, select Panopto video embed.

BB Ultra Content Market interface Panopto video embed option highlighted


To embed a prerecorded video, select Everything from the dropdown menu, select the video from the library and select Insert.

BB Ultra Panopto video embed window everything option selected and video and insert button highlightged


You can also opt to record a new video in Panopto, select the Record tab and choose a folder where you can save your file.

BB uLtra Panopto embed window Record tab with record options


You video will appear in the editor, make sure you have the correct settings that allow students to view the content.

BB Ultra content editor with Panopto video emedded


Clicking Save will close the editor.

To reopen the editor click on the ellipsis and select Edit

BB Ultra document window text block with edit option highlighted

To add a new content block to the page, roll over the top or bottom of the block of text, to view the pink line and the plus symbol. Click on the circle with the plus symbol, this opens up the context menu.

Select Add Content from the context menu to add more text or images.

BB Ultra document window with context menu open Add Content selected


Clicking on Add Content opens up the document editor for the new block of content

BB Ultra document window content editor

Select Save to save your text and close the editor.

To upload a local file such as a PDF or Word doc to your document, click on the circle with the plus symbol. This opens up the context menu, select Upload from Computer to upload a local file such as a PDF or Word doc.

BB Ultra document window context menu Upload from Computer highlighted


Navigate to your local file, select Open and the document will be embedded in your page.

BB Ultra document window embedded Word doc


Building up a page of separate blocks of content, allows you to easily rearrange the content.

Rollover the right hand side of the block beside the ellipsis and you’ll see two arrows, use these to drag and drop the block of content.

BB Ultra document window Word doc with arrows icon highlighted


When you are happy with the content, set the document to Visible to students then use the X in the top left corner to close out of the document.

BB Ultra document window with Hidden from students option highlighted


Module Handbook

The Centre for Curriculum Enhancement and Approval provide a module handbook template for each faculty. Add your module handbook to the Module Information folder using the Upload function.

Use the drop-down arrow to open the Module Information folder. This reveals a plus in a circle, click on the plus symbol.

BB Ultra Module information folder expanded plus symbol highlighted


A context menu appears, click on the Upload option.

Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 12.11.58.png


Then navigate to your module handbook file and select Open.

BB ultra file window file selected and open button highlighted


Chose your Display Name and click Save.

BB Ultra edit file options window


Then make it Visible to students, by using the dropdown option beneath the document name.

BB Ultra file availability options


Your file will be visible to students:

BB Ultra Module information folder expanded


Contact Details

You can add the contact details of teaching staff to a document in the Module Information folder. This allows you to establish the points of contact and their availability for students.

Open the Module Information folder using the drop-down arrow. This reveals a plus in a circle, click on the plus to open the context menu and select Create.

BB Ultra Module information folder expanded context menu open Create highlighted


Select Document from the right hand menu, this opens up a Document window. Type in the name of the document at the top left, then select Add Content.

BB Ultra document window title text box Add Content button highlighted


This opens up the content editor inside the Document window.

You can use a table to add in contact details for different members of staff. Select the table icon and select the number of cells

BB Ultra content editor adding a table


Add in the details for each member of staff, then click Save.

Screenshot 2024-02-07 at 20.08.26.png


  1. To reedit the contact form, click on the ellipsis (three dots) and then select Edit.


When you are happy with the content, set the document to Visible to students then use the X in the top left corner to close out of the document.

Screenshot 2024-02-07 at 20.24.13.png


Module Library Reading lists

The Library uses Key Links to provide tailored reading lists of library books and journals for each course. Reading lists are created by lecturers in conjunction with subject librarian.

  1. To find your reading list URL, go to the Library’s reading list page and enter keywords, module title or module codes in the search box at the top of the top of the page. Alternatively, click on the three bar menu icon on the top right of the page to find reading lists by Faculty and Subject.

NB If you can’t find a reading list for your module, contact your subject librarian.

Copy the URL of the reading list page e.g.

Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 19.31.53.png


  1. To create a link to the module reading list, open the Module Information folder with the drop-down arrow, click on the plus to open the context menu and select Create.

Screenshot 2024-02-07 at 19.55.46.png


Select Link from the Create Item menu.

Screenshot 2024-02-07 at 20.25.45.png

This opens up the New Link window, add a Display Name e.g. Module Reading List and paste in the reading list URL.


Screenshot 2024-02-07 at 20.29.58.png


Then click Save.

Finally, make the link Visible to students using the dropdown under the link name.

Screenshot 2024-02-07 at 20.33.16.png


The Module Information folder will look like this:

Screenshot 2024-02-07 at 20.35.03.png


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