Contacting your course lecturers
Finding contact details for module co-ordinator and lecturers
In the Module handbook
You should find contact details for your module lecturers in the module handbook. On the front page will be contact details for the module co-ordinator.
In the Module Overview and Communication section, additional information about communication with members of staff can be found.
Sending messages within the Blackboard
You can message staff members directly, within the Blackboard module environment.
In your module’s content view, at the side of Course Content, there is a list of Course Staff . You can click on the envelope symbol beside the staff member’s name to send them a message within Blackboard
The New message screen will appear with the name of recipient, you can choose additional recipients for your message by clicking on the Recipients search box
Write your message and click Send
NB this message will only appear within the Blackboard environment, to send an email copy, check the checkbox before you click Send.
The number of responses to your message will be displayed in the course toolbar:
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