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Module Manager


The Module Manager system is an audited system intended to protect content from unauthorised access. An audit trail of each request is stored. You should use the Module Manager to:

  • Request access to a module.
  • Migrate content between modules.
  • Migrate content between a developement area and a module.

Table of contents

Request access to a module

The Module Manager system should be used to request access to ALL modules. Only when access has been granted will a module be available within Blackboard. The following table shows a breakdown of the available roles and their level of access within an module.

Take part in CourseAdd and Edit MaterialAccess to Marks and FeedbackVisible as Instructor
Teaching Assistantx
Course Builderxx
Studentx(only their own marks)x

Who can request module access?

Members of staff with E codes and Associate members of staff with A codes can make online Module Access requests within the Module Manager.

PhD students (with 'B00' codes) cannot request access to Blackboard modules via the Module Manager. An Instructor (Module Co-ordinator) must e-mail Blackboard Help Desk ( requesting module access on their behalf. The e-mail should quote the module code and correct CRN number and the required level of access e.g. Instructor, Course Builder, Teaching Assistant) - or a description of their role within the module.

What is a Marker?

A Marker assists the Instructor in the creation, management, delivery, and grading of Tests as well as managing the Grade centre.


You can only select the source content you want if you are enrolled in the source content. For example, if you are not in the source module whose content you require, make an online request to get Instructor access.

Module Access Request process

  1. The Module Manager is available at

  2. The Username is your staff number.

  3. The Password is your Network (Blackboard and Portal) password.

  4. Select the Login button in the top navigation, or on the right hand side of the page. 

  5. Next select the Modules tab and then Access

  6. The Module Access page then provides options for requesting access.

  7. Whilst the Academic Year defaults to the current year, you can also select previous academic years if you want access to previous versions of the module.


    Remember that even in one academic year there may be several versions of the same module, each with a different CRN number (for more information, go to: Module Manager). Make sure you select the correct CRN now as it will make troubleshooting access issues much easier once term starts.

  8. In the Module Code input, add the module code (for instance OTH501).

  9. The page will automatically update to show you the versions of the module available in the academic year you selected.

  10. Select the level of access you require for the module. If you are unsure which level of access to request we recommend Instructor which gives you full editing rights and the ability to add or modify grades and feedback. (Further information about role types is available at: Blackboard Learn User Roles Explained)

    From the drop down box select either:
    1. Instructor.
    2. Course Builder.
    3. Marker. 

  11. Important

    The Source Content box displays the location of content to be copied to this year's version of the module. This defaults to the location that seems most appropriate and you can normally select the default option... however you can override the default and specify another source location that you have access to.

    If you wish to select different content, select the text box that includes the default selection. A window will appear and you can select the appropriate radio button by expanding the + icon or by selecting Expand all sources, your choices are:

    1. the default CRN from last year 
    2. the module template 
    3. another module, from last academic year
    4. another module, from an earlier academic year
    5. other content, such as a development area
    6. another module in the current academic year

    • Select the radio button of the source content you want copied and select Update.
  12. If you want to change the start date, insert your cursor in the Default Source Start date box and select a new start date, the select Save.

  13. Finally select the Submit button.

  14. The system will then confirm that your request has been submitted for approval.

    Reset after each request

    After each successful request, select the Reset button before making a new request.

  15. You can select View Current Access to see if your request is queued or completed.

    Typically the request queue is checked every 30 seconds

Managing access to your modules

As Module Co-ordinator, you can manage who has access to your Blackboard Learn modules.

Note: You must be recorded as the module co-ordinator in Banner in order to use this feature.

In the Module Manager:

  1. Select the Modules button and from the drop-down menu that appears, select the Access link.

  2. The Module Access page will open. Select the Manage access button (highlighted in red below) and from the list of modules that appears, select the module title to see detailed module information. Check the Access Control checkbox (column also highlighted in red below) to enable access control for that module.

  3. Once enabled, if another member of staff makes a module access request to your module, their request will be queued under Manage Access.

    - To approve access, select the Approved checkbox to the right of the staff member's name.
    - To revoke access, uncheck the Approved checkbox.

Migrating content between modules

Sometimes when developing or updating content it may be necessary to migrate content between modules or development areas. Prior to migrating content, you must request access to the module (both source and destination) via the Module Manager.

Content Migration process

You must have either Instructor or Course Builder access to both the destination and source module/area involved in the content migration (source is where the content resides that you wish to overwrite in the destination area).

  1. Select Content from the Modules tab within the Module Manager
  2. This defaults to the current Destination academic portolio of modules you are enrolled in.

  3. Select the radio button beside the Destination module whose content you want to overwrite.
  4. Below, select the radio button beside the appropriate Source section ( 2017-18, , , , )

  5. Select the radio button beside the relevant Source module, Dev Area
  6. Select Save, you then receive a summary confirmation

  7. Select Confirm to action the content migration or Cancel if you have made the wrong selection.

Request a Programme Support Area (PSA)

Please note: Programme Support Areas continue from year-to-year and do not need to be recreated for each new academic year.

The Centre for Digital Learning Enhancement is currently managing psa requests directly. If you need a psa for a new programme, or if you need to add/change instructors or student cohorts, please email Blackboard Helpdesk (