Module Checklist

Module Checklist

This list can be used to support you, as a general guide when building a new module or checking through an existing module.

Getting Started

Include a module welcome page, a welcome video, module handbook, and contact information in the Module Information folder

Ensure module handbook is available and accessible to students

Ensure that contact information and office hours / availability for consultations are available to students

Clearly state learning outcomes, specific learning objectives and expectations for students

Schedules and timeframes should be available for the module, course tasks and assessments, using the calendar tool*

An overview of assessment methods and associated guidelines should be available

Online communication guidelines and instructions should be clear. Consider using an online discussion for introductions to foster belonging and create a sense of community.

The Announcements Tool should be used to communication information of high importance

Students should be made aware of the student orientation for Blackboard Ultra

Ensure that your module reading lists are integrated with the library catalogue (arranged via your subject librarian)

Use the ‘Student Preview’ feature regularly to see the actual student view and make sure its up to date

Provide a link to Student Blackboard support


Course Structure and Learning Content

Course should be organised into logical sections so that it is easy to navigate

Ensure learning materials match the desired module learning objectives

Content should include primary information sources, multimedia, external experts and additional contextualised resources, where possible

Web links should be current, relevant and available

Ensure that content adheres to copyright guidance (http://www.ulster.ac.uk/copyright.html )

Content should be accessible in accordance with web usability guidelines in terms of text format, colour, contrast and screen readability. Ally prompts will help with this.

Materials should be presented in accessible formats.  Ally prompts will help with this.


Interactivity and Collaboration

Make sure that there is a balance of interactivity to include student - content interaction, student - tutor interaction and student - student interaction    

Students should have the opportunity to interact with a variety of resources and media within the course content      

Include a variety of tasks to keep students engaged

Transcripts and captions should be provided for audio / video format, Panopto automatically adds captions.

Clear expectations should be outlined to the students in terms of course requirements

Academics should be clear on when they will feedback to students

Several communication tools can be used for interaction (announcements, discussion boards, email, wiki, group projects, chat sessions, voice boards/ messages etc.)


Assessment and Feedback

Assessment schedule, tasks, submission details, guidelines and submission point should be made available in a dedicated ‘Assessment and feedback’ folder


The module should clearly state how student performance is assessed


Gradebook should be used to manage assessment of students and deliver digital feedback


Feedback should align with Ulster guidance: https://web.archive.org/web/20170701012146/http:/ee.ulster.ac.uk/assessment_and_feedback/


Assessment and Feedback at Ulster https://www.ulster.ac.uk/learningenhancement/resources/assessment-and-feedback


A range of inclusive online assessment opportunities for formative and summative assessment should be included throughout the module


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