Logging in to Blackboard
Ulster University uses the Blackboard VLE to host learning materials for its courses. Staff involved in the delivery of modules on these courses will require access to Blackboard Learn.
Before you can login to your Blackboard module:
You need a staff code, a university email address and a network password.
Full-time / permanent members of staff automatically receive a staff code e1234567, email and password.
Temporary or part-time staff members (e-tutors, external examiners etc.) will need an associate account set up by a staff sponsor.
Then you need to be assigned to your teaching modules using the Module manager.
Logging in to Blackboard
The university operates a seamless single sign-on (SSO) experience between University systems and Blackboard Learn.
You can log in to Blackboard Learn directly or through Staff Portal, you can also view your Blackboard courses on the Blackboard app.
Blackboard Learn works with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). This adds an additional layer of security to your Blackboard Learn login.
Blackboard Learn uses Single-Sign On (SSO) this means once you have logged in to the portal you are able to sign on to Blackboard Learn with a single click on the Blackboard Learn tile.
Once you have used Module manager to set up access to your modules, you will see your assigned modules appear in the courses view in Blackboard (as above)
Useful links
Related pages
Centre for Digital Learning Enhancement