Logging into Blackboard online learning

Logging into Blackboard online learning

Ulster University uses Blackboard Learn to host its online learning materials. Every course should have an online version on Blackboard.


The university operates a seamless single sign-on (SSO) experience between University systems and Blackboard. That means you use your ulster email address and password to login to your email, Student Portal and Blackboard Learn.

The university uses Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to keep your University account secure. It combines something you know (your university email address and password) with something you have (e.g. an authentication app) to prove your identity.


Logging in to your university account for the first time

You’ll need a laptop/desktop device and a smartphone/tablet and

your Ulster University e-mail address e.g. smith-j18@ulster.ac.uk and network password.

  1. Find your university email address, and initial password.

Your network username e.g. your B number and password will appear on your final screen of enrolment

online enrolment final screen with student details

If you did not take a note of your Student account information you can access your student record and retrieve your email address and network password using the Student Banner System.

Additionally, dedicated PCs, known as Password Kiosks, are located close to the Library Information Point on each campus. These will also allow you to:

  • access your student record via Student Banner System to obtain your Ulster email address and initial network password

  • change your password using self-service password reset

You will need your Student ID (e.g. B00123456) and PIN (your Date of Birth) to login Student Banner System.


  1. Log in for first time to Microsoft 365

  • On a laptop or desktop, navigate to Microsoft 365

  • Enter your Ulster University email address and select next


  • enter your initial network password


Setting up Multi-factor Authentication

You need to set up Multi-factor authentication (MFA) to finish setting up your account.


  1. Add Multi-Factor Authentication to your account

In Microsoft 365, click on your initials or photograph in the top right hand corner

and click on View account

Click on Security info


Click the + add sign-in method button

Select Authenticator app and click add


  1. Download the Microsoft authenticator app

Download the Microsoft authenticator app for your Android or Apple device and click Next.

The Authenticator app wizard will now guide you through the installation of the authenticator app on your mobile device.


  1. Pair your devices

The wizard will ask you to scan in a QR code


Open the authenticator app on your phone and select scan the QR codeon screen


The app will detect your account settings and then display your Ulster University account


Click Next on the laptop/desktop device


The connection to your smartphone will now be tested, click Approve


If pairing between your smartphone and laptop/desktop device is successful, you will get a notification on your laptop/pc device, press Next.

Your device will now be successfully registered.


Make sure the Default sign-in method is set to ‘Microsoft Authenticator- notification’. If it is not click Change and select ‘Microsoft Authenticator- notification’ from the drop down menu.

It is advisable to set up additional forms of authentication such as email, in case you lose or forget your phone.


  1. Add your personal email as another source of authentication

Click on Add method


Select Email from the drop-down menu and click Add

Enter your personal email address that you have access to and click Next

You will be sent a security code to this email account. Open this email account on a separate tab/device to retrieve the code and enter it into the prompt and click Next

The Multi-factor Authentication set up process is now complete.


Change your password

If you need to change your password, choose a password with a minimum of 12 characters, that includes 3 out of the four categories below:

  • Upper Case e.g. AB

  • Lower Case e.g. ab

  • Digit e.g. 123

  • Special Character e.g. !*$£

You can change your password in your Microsoft 365 security info settings


Retrieve your password

Your username is your university email, e.g smith-j12@ulster.ac.uk


Set up Self-service password reset (SSPR)

Self-service password reset within Microsoft 365 enables students to securely reset their University account password 24/7 without contacting the Digital Services IT Service Desk.


Logging into Blackboard

You can log in to Blackboard either via the Student portal and clicking on the tile:


or directly through Blackboard Learn


You’ll be asked to sign in with your new ulster.ac.uk email and password.

If you have another Microsoft account this may be detected automatically, make sure you are using your ulster.ac.uk account:



If another account is detected choose Use another account and enter your ulster email and address.


Then enter your network password (forgotten your password?)



You may need to authenticate your log in, follow the instructions on the screen e.g.


You will then be logged in to Blackboard Learn, you will see your Activity stream, to view your courses, click on Courses in the left hand menu.


You should be able to see a list of the courses you are studying on.

If you have problems seeing your list of courses check these possible solutions


Blackboard login problems

I’ve forgotten my login details

Use the same credentials that you use for the student portal and university e-mail i.e. your Ulster University e-mail address e.g. smith-j18@ulster.ac.uk and your network password.


I’ve forgotten my password

Your Blackboard password is the same as your network password, the one you use for the Student portal and university email.

You can check student banner system for your network password

You can reset your account on the Microsoft website or by using the university’s Self-service password reset (SSPR).


I can’t use my Multi-factor Authentication.

Ensure that you have Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) enabled. Go to your Ulster University Microsoft Microsoft security settings. If Microsoft Authenticator is not listed then follow the MFA set up instructions


I can’t see any of my courses

  • Make sure you are in Courses view in Blackboard.

Once you are logged into Blackboard you are automatically taken to Activity stream, click on Courses in the left hand menu.

If no courses appear in Courses view, check your filter settings at the top of the page, Terms filter should be set to All terms and Filters all courses.


If your courses are still not present, make sure you are correctly enrolled on your courses:


If you continue to have problems logging in, please look at our separate page for trouble shooting your online learning

Tips for logging in to Blackboard

It is important to logout of Blackboard Learn when your session is complete. Do this by clicking the sign out button in the left hand menu.

If you leave Blackboard Learn open - and inactive - in your browser for longer than 8 hours, you may encounter an Expired Session* error.






  • Always logout of any personal or workplace Microsoft accounts before logging in to Blackboard to ensure there are no account conflicts.

  • Know your University e-mail address and network password. Check Student Banner system for your login details

  • Ensure that you have Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) enabled. Go to your Ulster University Microsoft Microsoft security settings. If Microsoft Authenticator is not listed then follow the MFA set up instructions

  • Check that you can login to the Student Portal with your University e-mail address and network password, as Blackboard Learn uses the same credentials. If login problems persist contact Digital Services

  • Know how to reset your network password. Blackboard Learn does not have a separate password and all password updates need to be actioned against your central University account. You can edit your security info or by using the Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) facility.

  • Digital Services can assist with password issues.

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