Getting started with online learning
Ulster University uses Blackboard Learn Ultra to host their online learning materials. Each module in your course will have an online version in Blackboard. Follow the steps below to get up and running with your online modules.
Get your device
You can use your smartphone, tablet or PC/Mac to view and interact on Blackboard.
For the best learning experience, Digital Services recommends you use a desktop PC or laptop with the minimum specification:
Windows 11 operating system
Intel i5 or AMD Ryzen 5 Chipset
Minimum of 16GB RAM
Minimum of 512GB Solid State Drive
Internet connection with at least 4Mbps download and upload speed
Complete online enrolment
You need to be enrolled onto your module before you can access the online resources in Blackboard Ultra.
Your modules will be available in Blackboard the day after successful completion of Online Enrolment
Sign into Blackboard
Ulster University uses Blackboard Learn Ultra to host its online learning materials. You’ll need to sign into Blackboard using your ulster email account and network password.
Returning user/student: follow these instructions to login to Blackboard
Explore the Blackboard Ultra learning environment
The Blackboard learning environment contains the online learning materials and assignments for all your courses. The learning environment consists of an interface and left-hand navigation which links to your Courses, Activity Stream, Marks, Messages and Calendar.
Each course links to a self-contained Blackboard Ultra module area (see below)
Explore your Blackboard Ultra module
Each or your modules will have have it’s own self-contained course area in Blackboard Ultra. This area will contain your learning materials, assignments, timetable, curriculum, discussions and messages relating to your module.
Help! troubleshooting your online learning
If you are having issues with assignments or learning materials etc. within the Blackboard learning environment.
Getting support from Digital Services
If you are having problems logging into Blackboard or the portal contact Digital Services, they support the technical infrastructure of online learning and can provide technical support and training.
Online Servicedesk
Phone: 028 9536 7776
When contacting Digital Services, remember to state
your B-number (e.g. B00123456),
personal and ulster email addresses (e.g. and,
description of the problem
and screenshots (on a PC use PrintScreen and on a Mac Cmd + Shift + 5)
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Centre for Digital Learning Enhancement