Uploading test questions from a file
If you need to add a large number of questions to a test, you can upload them quickly using a tab - delimited .txt. file. Use Excel to edit the questions in the template file and follow the formatting rules below. You can add different types of question to the one file.
You can create or edit a tab-delimited file in Excel, but it must be saved as a *.txt.
Download the following file and open it in Excel.
Formatting is really important, use these formatting standards to add the following types of question and answer information to the template:
Question types
Multiple Choice questions
For questions with multiple choices but only one correct answer.
Add the abbreviation MC to Column A, question text goes in column B. In columns C add a choice, in D correct or incorrect. Add another choice to column E and input correct or incorrect in F. Continue in this manner until you’ve added all your choices.
MC | Multiple Choice Question | Choice 1 answer | correct | Choice 2 answer | incorrect | Choice 3 answer | incorrect |
MC | What colour is the sky? | red | incorrect | blue | correct | pink | incorrect |
Multiple Answer questions
Chose for questions with multiple choices and multiple correct answers.
Add the abbreviation MA to Column A, question text goes in column B. In columns C add a choice, in D correct or incorrect. Add another choice to column E and input correct or incorrect in F. Continue in this manner until you’ve added all your choices.
MA | Muliple Answer question | answer 1 | correct | answer 2 | incorrect | answer 3 | correct |
MA | Choose all of the examples or types of carbohydrates | Galactose | correct | Fructose | correct | Melanin | incorrect |
True or False questions
Chose for questions when there is only a true or false answer.
Add the abbreviation TF to Column A, question text goes in column B, in column C add TRUE or FALSE.
TF | True false question | TRUE / FALSE |
TF | Blaise Pascal was a 20th century sociologist who argued for the importance of identifying scientific laws that govern human behavior. | FALSE |
Essay question
Chose an essay question for any question that you require your student to enter free text.
Add the abbreviation ESS to Column A, question text goes in column B, place example answer in n column C.
ESS | Essay question | [Placeholder essay text] |
ESS | Give a few examples where you can help preserve marine ecosystems. | [Placeholder essay text] |
Matching Pairs question
Use matching pairs question when you want students to associate concepts together.
Add the abbreviation MAT to Column A, question text goes in column B. In column C, add one part of the pair, in D add the second part of the pair. Add part one of the another pair to column E and second part of that pair is added to column F. Continue in this manner until you’ve added all your choices.
MAT | Matching pairs | Pair A part 1 | Pair A part 2 | Pair B part 1 | Pair B part 2 | Pair C part 1 | Part C part 2 |
MAT | Match the following animals to their native continent | Bullfrog | North America | Panda | Asia | Llama | South America |
Fill in the Blanks question
Use a fill-in-the-blank question when you want students to add a missing word.
Add the abbreviation FIB to Column A, question text with __ (underscore) representing the blank goes in column B, in column C add in the missing word.
FIB | Fill in the Blank ___ question | missing word |
FIB | ___ is the silicate mineral with the lowest melting temperature and the greatest resistance to weathering. | Quartz |
Fill in multiple Blanks question
Use a fill-in-multiple-blanks question when you want students to add multiple missing words.
Add the abbreviation FIB_PLUS to Column A, question text with variables e.g. letters in square brackets [a] [b] [c] representing the missing words goes in column B. In column C add the first variable e.g. 'a', and in column D the missing word. Keep the next column free and add the second letter to column F and input the missing word in column G. Continue in this manner until you’ve added all your letters and missing words.
FIB_PLUS | Fill in multiple Blanks [a], [b], [c]question | a | missing word |
| b | missing word |
FIB_PLUS | Four [a] and [b] years ago is the beginning of the Gettyburg address | a | score |
| b | seven |
Numeric question
Use a numeric question when you want students to type in a number in response to a question. Add the abbreviation NUM to Column A, question text goes in column B, in column C add in the correct numeric value (Use the Number formatting in Excel). Tolerance, which is optional, goes in column D.
NUM | question text | numeric answer | tolerance (optional) |
NUM | Approximately, how many species of birds are there? | 10000 | 1000 |
Uploading your file
Create your test in the normal way. Click on the + in the circle, select Create, then select Test from the Create item menu.
In the test interface, add the name of the test. Click on the plus to add a textbox for instructions.
Then click on the plus and select Upload questions from file.
Navigate to your *.txt file, select and click Open. The test will be populated with your questions. You can edit any of the questions by clicking on the ellipsis, three dots and selecting Edit.
Click on the cog to adjust the Assessment settings for displaying questions, randomisation, timing and number of attempts.
Remember to click Save after changing any settings
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