The majority of modules will have “Module Information” or “Course Resources” folders, inside these you will find information about your course including your Module handbook.
Inside the Module information folder you should find a module handbook.
Module handbook
The module handbook will contain information about your lecturers, module learning outcomes, curriculum, timetable of classes and information about your assessments.
Click on your module information folder (it may be called course information or something similar) to expand the contents.
The handbook will either be embedded as a document or as downloadable file. The course above has it embedded in a document, click on the Handbook document.
This opens the handbook in a separate window, click on the down arrow to expand the document.
The handbook will contain contact info for your module co-ordinator.
Use the Ally button to generate an accessible version,
download button to download the file,and
to close the fileThe module handbook also contains learning outcomes, your timetable and information about your assessment.
Your module handbook will contain information about the organisation of your class learning activities
The Calendar view of your Blackboard course will give you a schedule of online lectures and assignment due dates.
You’ll find a copy of your class timetable in the Ulster University Live Timetable (Publish) system. You will need to login with your SSO (Ulster email address and network password)
You can then view your timetable.
Clicking on Save Timetable allows you to Subscribe i.e. save your timetable to your personal calendar
For more information follow the Publish timetable guide or visit the timetabling website
Reading list
Contact details of staff
Assignment details