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Ulster University Turnitin QuickMark Set

Sharing QuickMark Sets

A benefit of the QuickMark functionality is the ability to share your personal QuickMark Set with colleagues via exporting and importing QuickMark sets.  This feature enables assessors to quickly import a Set of pre-created standard comments into their personal TurnItIn accounts allowing them to start assessing TurnItIn assessments immediately and saves each assessor time in creating their own Set of feedback comments.

Table of contents

Ulster QuickMark Set

A set of Ulster QuickMarks have been created for you to import and re-use, the list contains 39 common feedback statements that you can import into your TurnItIn account for reuse.  A list of the Ulster QuickMark Set can be viewed below.

To reuse the Ulster QuickMark Set:

  1. Download the Ulster.qms file provided and save locally to your machine. 
  2. Follow the instructions below on Importing a QuickMark Set. 

Importing a QuickMark Set 

  1. Select on the QuickMark manager icon found on the QuickMark sidebar.

  2. Select Import/Export button and select Import Set.

  3. Select Browse and locate the saved file.

  4. Select Import button. Select Close when finished.

Exporting a QuickMark Set

If you wish to share your personal bank of QuickMarks with a colleague, follow the instructions below on how to export your QuickMark set.

  1. Select on the QuickMark manager icon found on the QuickMark sidebar.

  2. Select on the name of a QuickMark to export.

  3. Select Import/Export button and select Export Set.

  4. Select OK to save the file.

  5. Email the saved file to your colleague for sharing.

Ulster QuickMark Set

Below is a collection of 30 QuickMarks that formulates the Ulster QuickMark list.

  1. Awk. Awkward: The expression or construction is cumbersome or difficult to read. Consider rewriting.
  2. Cap. Error Capitalisation.
  3. Cite Source Cite Source: Please use the link below to find links to information regarding specific citation
  4. Confusing Confusing section, you need to clarify.
  5. CutQ Cut quotation down: Quotations from outside sources are important in constructing a convincing argument.
    However, a writer does not always need to reproduce a sentence from another source in its entirety, especially if
    parts of that sentence are irrelevant or make the paragraph too long. If you choose to leave out some text from an
    original source, you must mark the missing words with three equally spaced periods (...) called an ellipsis. An ellipsis
    has little use when expressing your own thoughts, but it is a valuable tool in presenting the words of others.
  6. Data req. Data or figures required to support the argument.
  7. Debateable This is debateable, it would be relatively simple to find academic opinion to disprove this argument, try and consider both sides of a debate.
  8. Desc. not required Description of methods not required in this section.
  9. Excellent Excellent
  10. Expand You need to expand this point
  11. Explain You need to explain further and develop your analysis and evaluation of the concept.
  12. Float Floating quotation: When you quote from another source, you must also link the quotation to your own
    writing. A quotation must not float independently in your paragraph. Instead, make sure you introduce your quotation
    properly by fitting it grammatically and logically to your own words.
  13. Good eg. Good example
  14. Good Intro Good clear introduction. Sets the scene well for remainder of assignment.
  15. Goodpt. Good point
  16. Good Q. Integration Good integration of question
  17. Incorrect Incorrect: refer back to class notes for clarification.
  18. Integrate Question Need to integrate the assignment question more into the body of your answer.
  19. Long Quote Avoid long descript quotes; synthesis a range of materials into your own words to demonstrate
  20. Missing "," Missing comma: Though it may not always be grammatically necessary, a comma can often help to prevent a misreading. When a sentence opens with an introductory element (a phrase, clause or word that is logically related to another phrase or clause in the same sentence), it is a great help to your reader to place a comma after that introductory element. Such phrases will often begin with words like "because," "while" or "although," as in the following example: "While everyone was fighting, the bear wandered away." As you can see, without the comma, the sentence would be confusing.
  21. More info req. Further comment or explanation required.
  22. Page No missing Page no. missing.
  23. Personal opinion Are you giving personal opinion here? Is there any data or figures that could be used to strengthen or back-up this comment?
  24. Poor academic source Poor academic source, this is not a good source of information for use in an academic essay.
  25. Ref - dated Dated reference for this topic, something more up to date and relevant would be better utilised.
  26. Ref - required Reference required here to highlight or strengthen the argument or point being made.
  27. Ref Incorrect Use Harvard style referencing as per Module Handbook
  28. Ref MainBody You need to reference in the main body of the text
  29. Ref Over-use Over reliance on certain authors can indicate a lack of wider reading
  30. Relevance Is this relevant here?
  31. Repetitive Unnecessary repetition: Avoid redundant use of words or phrases. Be aware of what is inherent to
    the words you choose to use, e.g. you would not write "the resulting effects" as "effects" are results and thus are
    always resulting from something. Also be aware of what the acronyms and abbreviations you use stand for, e.g.
    when using the acronym "ATM" you should not write "ATM machine" as "machine" is already in the acronym.
  32. Sp. Spelling Error
  33. Specific eg. Could you provide a specific example here?
  34. Support Support Needed: A well-written paper will include strong support for its thesis. Support for your thesis
    should come from primary (original documents, interviews, and personal experiences) and secondary (information
    that has been processed or interpreted by someone else) sources. To use your support effectively, you must
    elaborate upon the information, quotations, and examples taken from your sources and connect them to your thesis.
    It is also important to remember to cite the sources of the evidence and support you use in your paper.
  35. Too descriptive You need to address your writing style here to avoid repeating what someone
    else has written. You want to show YOUR full knowledge, understanding & application.
  36. Vague Unclear: When making a point in one of your body paragraphs, one of the most common mistakes is to
    not offer enough details. A paragraph without much detail will seem vague and sketchy. A paper is always
    strengthened when your claims are as specific as possible, The more detailed evidence you offer, the more reference
    points your reader will have. Remember that you are communicating your argument to a reader who has only your
    description to go by. Someone who reads your essay will not automatically know what you mean to express, so you
    have to supply details, to show the reader what you mean, not just tell him or her.
  37. Weak Transition Weak paragraph transition: Although paragraphs are separate, individual steps of your paper,
    it is important to clearly demonstrate a logical connection between them. Generally speaking, the way your
    paragraphs relate to one another displays how sound your argument really is. A paragraph that begins with "also" or
    "in addition" offers a weak transition from the previous point, even though it may develop a highly interesting and
    related point.
  38. Wordy Wordy: If you use too many words to describe a relatively minor point, your paper may seem wordy. In
    order to be as concise as possible, trim your sentences down and use longer, more meaningful words. Try to use
    fewer two- and three-letter words, passive constructions, and weak verbs such as "seem" and "appear."
  39. Write in the 3rd Person Write in the third person i.e. the Author rather than the first person (I, me, us, etc.)