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At the start of term, new and returning students are given the codeĀ EL (Eligible to Register) or ER (Expected to Return) in the University's administration system.




Only registered (enrolled) students (with the status RE) can get access to University systems such as Blackboard.

📋 Instructions

Table of Contents

1. Login screen

  • Go to the Online Enrolment Login page

  • You will be asked to enter your Username and PIN number.

  • Your Username is your B number e.g. B0012345 and your PIN will be sent to you by e-mail (only for new students, returning students already have their B number and Pin details).


2. Welcome screen

  • The welcome screen explains the outcome of Online Enrolment and sets out the University's conditions.

  • You must select 'Agree and Proceed' to continue.


3. Programme Confirmation

The Programme Details screen allows you to confirm your programme of study details.



Incorrect Programme details

If your Programme details are incorrect in any way, for example, if you are transferring onto another programme, or if you do not intend to attend your placement year and wish to progress to the final year of the programme instead:

  1. Select the "Contact Registry" button.

  2. Enter your Email address, contact telephone number and a brief message detailing the required amendment.

  3. Select the "Send" button.

An email will be sent to the Registry Office and you will be notified of the Programme amendment within 48 hours. At that stage you should be able to log on to Online Enrolment again and complete as normal.

4. Personal Information screen

On the personal information screen you will be asked to supply - amongst other things - term and home time address's and emergency contact details.

  • Complete each subsection of the Personal information screen.

  • As you complete each subsection an green tick icon will appear next to each.

  • Once completed, select the "Next Stage" button to continue.


5. Module Selection

There are four sub-stages within the module selection stage of online enrolment (though not all students will need to go through all of these.) All students, except research students, should enrol on at least one module. Students taking modules in the second semester MUST select these at enrolment at the start of the academic year. Students have two weeks at the start of each semester in which to add or drop modules.


Part-time students are reminded that University Regulations stipulate that part-time students may take no more than a maximum of 45 credits in semester 1, 45 in semester 2 and 20 in semester 3 (subject to course regulations). Students are responsible for ensuring that they do not exceed this study load.

NB Some students, for example research students, who do not normally take modules, can proceed to Stage 4 (Fees) of online enrolment after confirming that they are not taking any modules.

5.1 Mandatory Modules screen

If there are mandatory modules on the year of the course on which you are enrolling, these will be listed. NB: If there are only optional modules on the year of the programme you are taking then you will not be presented with the Mandatory Modules screen.

Please ensure that each of the modules you are taking has a tick in the box beside the module. If there are two options available for a module code, please ensure you have selected the one with the right campus/semester (you can check course info on the University Ulster Module catalogue).

5.2 Optional Modules selection screen

Any optional modules available on your programme are listed in this part of Module Selection.


  • Please tick the box against each of the optional modules you will be taking.

5.3 Additional Modules selection screen

If you have no compulsory modules, or need to enrol in additional modules, you will have to search for and select these modules.

  • If you know the CRN (Course Reference Number) of the module, select "Find Module by CRN".

  • If you do not know the CRN select "Search for Modules".

  • Once you have selected all your modules, select the "Save and Continue" button to continue.


    If you have any doubts about the module selection, please contact your Course Director.

5.4 Confirm Module selection screen

This screen enables you to review your module choices. You may be prompted to delete/add modules if you have selected too many/not enough credit points for your specific mode of attendance.

  • If you wish to drop any of these modules or to add others you can do so using the "Edit Modules" button.

  • Once you are satisfied that your choice is correct click "Confirm and Proceed to Next Stage".

6. Fees Payment screen

This screen shows the tuition fees due based on your current registration details. Where there is a balance of fees payable you must select one of the payment options listed.



You MUST select 'Continue' after completing the Finance Section to move to the "Security question" screen. If you complete the Finance section and exit without proceeding to the Security question you will NOT complete Online Enrolment and NOT gain access to Blackboard.

6.1 Sponsor Information

If your employer, a government agency or any other organisation apart from the Student Loans Company is paying your fees, you must provide a letter to the Fees Office in advance of registration (Fees office contact details available here) in order for your account to be updated. You will not be able to complete registration until this letter is received and processed. If you are enrolling within the University and are only providing a letter on the day of registration, please contact a member of Fees staff at the central enrolment area.


NB Please DO NOT send you sponsor letters to the Blackboard Support e-mail. They MUST be sent to the Fees Office.

7. Security Question screen - Essential Step 🤓



It is essential that you complete the Security Question screen. Completion of this step will give you access to Blackboard based learning materials and other University systems.

  • Select a Security Question from the drop down list.

  • Supply an Answer that is between 4 and 16 characters long.

  • Select "Save & Continue" to proceed to the final screen.


8. Registration Complete screen 🥳

Well done! Your online enrolment is complete. This page will give your initial University network username and password.



Registration takes 24-48 hrs to process, then access to Blackboard is granted.

Problems with Online Enrolment

The Registration Helpline is available to guide you through online enrolment and any queries you may have about your student record.


🔗 Useful links & information
