
Curriculum Design Workshop Resources

Evaluation Quote

"Workshops succeeded, impressively, in creating change locally but, importantly, in seeding change beyond the immediate participation experience." Emeritus Professor David Nicol


The Viewpoints project created a toolkit of reflective workshop resources which enable educational teams to collaborate effectively to design and enhance their curriculum (Sept 2008 – July 2012). 

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The Panorama project disseminated the Viewpoints project outputs with further education and higher education institutions across the UK (May 2012 – June 2013). 

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Both these projects were funded by different strands of the JISC e-Learning Programme and led by the Technology Facilitated Learning team in Ulster University.

This website collates relevant information and sharable resources from both these projects (under the Creative Commons licence) - including the Workshop Toolkit and Project Documentation.

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The Toolkit includes all the resources you need to deliver your own Viewpoints Curriculum Design Workshop, including: 
- A6 Card Sets (3 themes)
- A0 Worksheets (3 types)
- Workshop Facilitation Plan
- Workshop Presentation Template
- Workshop Output Template
- Professional Printer Version of Resources
- Editable Version of Resources