BB Ultra webinars

CDLE have created a series of webinars to get you up and running with your new Blackboard Ultra module. The first series will run through April with a second series in summer. Book your place on a webinar, or watch the recorded sessions.

April 24 webinars 

Moving to Ultra - Wednesday 10th April 2pm

An introduction to the Blackboard Ultra learning environment. This session will include the context and timeline of the move to Ultra, an overview of the simplified structure and streamlined interface, plus a short demonstration of a live BB Ultra module.

Redesigning your module for Ultra - Friday 19th April 1pm

Learn how to redesign your modules for the new Blackboard Ultra structure and interface, this session will cover the creation and organisation of learning content.

Engagement and interactivity with Ultra - Thursday 25th April 11am

An exploration of BB Ultra’s communication and collaboration tools. This session will cover using Ultra’s communication tools to engage students, promote active learning and encourage a sense of belonging amongst course members.

Assessment and feedback in Ultra - Tuesday 30th April 12pm

Explore Ultra’s new assessment and feedback tools. This session will provide an introduction to Ultra’s Gradebook and will cover the creation of assignments and student feedback workflows.

August & September webinars





Centre for Digital Learning Enhancement