Gradebook overview

The Gradebook is where you can access all your assignments and enrolled students. You can also access submissions and download or upload grades.

Example of gradebook in Blackboard Ultra showing list of markable items


Think about using the word Coursework and including the percentage this equates to in your assignment title, this will make it clear to students how their Final grade is calculated.  E.g. 'Coursework 1 Essay (40%)' and 'Coursework 2 Test (60%)'.


The Gradebook interface

When you first get your Ultra module your Gradebook should be completely empty. Navigate to it using the Gradebook tab at the top of your module area:

Image showing the Gradebook in Ultra

There are two different view: List view and Grid view.

You can toggle easily between the two using the icons at the top left of the screen.

List View

In list view, there are two options - Markable items and students.

Under Markable Items you see a list of all your assignments you have set up and you can click on one and then a list of all your students will appear to allow you to work through your marking.

Under Students you will see a list of all the students enrolled in the module.

Grid View

In Grid view you see a list of all your students (vertically) and all the assignments (horizontally) you have in your Ultra course. Any new submissions, marked submissions and missing submissions will be highlighted.


To mark a student's work, click on the purple text ‘New Submission’ > ‘View’.


You will then see the submission with all the marking tools you will be familiar with.


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Centre for Digital Learning Enhancement