Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



The Ultra structure is a maximum of two folders deep with three levels that means folder structures with a depth of greater than two folders will not be replicated in the new template.

Blackboard ultra module showing three level depth of folders

You can copy documents or content folders FROM Blackboard original courses to a Blackboard Ultra course or you can copy documents, content folders or courses TO Blackboard Ultra module.

👉 CDLE recommend copying individual documents or folders TO the new Blackboard Ultra template folder structure This will allow you to gradually build up the new Blackboard Ultra content structure for your module.

Use this method to copy tests, assignments, Panopto videos, discussions, announcements and SCORMs.

📘 Instructions

Copying a document or folder


TO Blackboard Ultra




For instance, you can copy a Week 1 folder across from Blackboard Original (note the nested 3. Investigate folder)


Select the drop-down arrow and select Copy


This opens the Copy dialogue box, select the Destination Course e.g. your Ultra development area.


Click on Browse to select the Destination folder e.g. Learning Materials




Check your destination folder for the copied items.

Due to Ultra’s three-level hierarchy, a maximum depth of two folders is allowed, during copying, the nested 3.Investigate folder has been displaced from the original course folder structure.


You can remedy this issue by flattening the folder structure, dragging and dropping the contents of 3.Investigate folder into the Week 1 folder …


Then delete the separate and empty 3. Investigate folder. Now the four level content structure of the Blackboard Original course has been converted into the Blackboard Ultra three-level folder structure.


Blackboard Original copying exceptions


Blackboard Original Content such as Tests, Surveys, Blackboard dropboxes, SCORMS will not copy FROM Blackboard Original. Nested folder structures over three levels deep will not stay intact.


For instance in the above example, on pressing Submit, there was a warning telling me an item (a SCORM) didn’t copy across.

Copying a document or folder TO Blackboard Ultra module

CDLE recommend this approach for copying old Blackboard module content into the new Blackboard Ultra template. This process allows you to plan your course structure and gradually build up the course content for your new Ultra module.

For instance, copying over weekly folders from Blackboard Original into the Blackboard Ultra Learning Materials folder or weekly learning modules.Top

  1. To copy


  1. from another module into your Ultra Course Content area; either

… click on the plus + and select Copy Content from the drop-down menu.


… or at the top of the course content Course Content area, click the ellipsis (three dots)


Select and select Copy Items from the menu


Or you can copy content into a folder or Learning Module using the + and selecting Copy Content from the drop-down menu.


  1. This will bring up the Copy Items dialogue box. Enter your module code in the Course name or ID search box.


  1. Click on the course that contains the folder or document to be copied …


  1. Then navigate to the folder you wish to copy e.g.


  1. Week 2 folder which is located in the Learning Content folder. So click on Learning Content

Folder highlighted in the Copy Items folder

then select the tick box beside the folder you wish to copy (Week 2 folder ) and select Start Copy.


After a few seconds the folder will copy across.

The copied folder will appear at the bottom of the Course content list. By default, the folder and its contents will be hidden from students. Use the drop-down arrow to change to visible to students.


  1. Click on the copied folder (Week 2


  1. )down arrow to review the files.


The Week 2 folder contains nested folders 1.Learn, 3. Investigate, 4. Consolidate.


Flatten Nested folders



Blackboard Ultra will not allow you to copy nested folders into another folder. You need to flatten the folder structure of your modules.

For instance the copied Week 2 folder contains nested folders 1.Learn, 3. Investigate, 4. Consolidate.


If you tried copying the Week 2 folder into the a Learning Materials folder triggers , a warning that the folder exceeds the two folder depth limit appears.


Therefore you would need to flatten the structure of Week 2 folder, by removing the nested e.g. dragging the content from the nested folders into the upper layer and delete the empty folders.

  1. Click on the arrow to reveal the contents of the Week 2 folder.


  1. Then drag and drop the contents of the nested folders 1.Learn, 3. Investigate, 4. Consolidate into the Week 2 folder.



  1. Delete the empty folders, the flattened folder structure looks like this:



  1. Now you can copy the folder into the Learning Materials folder, the structure is now two folders deep with three levels.


Blackboard Ultra Exception notices


Tables in questions and/or answer field may also be removed and generate the above exception.

Copying a whole module TO Blackboard Ultra

You can copy a whole Blackboard module into an Ultra blank template, but it is not recommended as

See our guide for copying tests for more information.

Review the copied content

Go through the folders, check your files, documents, assignments, discussions and documents, make sure that they have retained their functionality, use the Blackboard Ultra icons as a guide:


For instance, a discussion in Blackboard Original has been converted to a document in Blackboard Original, the Discussion will have to be recreated.


Remove any empty or unnecessary files. Drag and drop the required files into the Ultra template folders of Module Overview, Learning Materials (or Learning modules) and Assessment.

Folders that exceed Ultra’s three levels will be retained but displaced from the original course structure, drag and drop files and documents between folders to flatten the course structure.


Check your links, make sure they don’t navigate back to the original course. Check your documents you may need to reformat some elements.

When you are happy with the Course content, make the item visible:

Use the drop-down arrow to change to visible to students.


Discussions will appear in Course Content and in the Discussions area. NB you can remove any discussions from the Course content area and they will remain in the Discussions area.


Any Blackboard and Turnitin dropboxes will be visible in Course Content and be accessible via Gradebook and Calendar due dates (if a due date has been set)


Copying a whole module TO Blackboard Ultra

This approach is NOT recommended, folder structure changes and formatting and tool settings exceptions can be overwhelming.

It is recommended you take a piecemeal approach, copying content in stages, see above.

  1. In your Ultra module, at the top of the course content area, click the ellipsis (three dots)


  1. Select Copy Items from the menu


  1. This will bring up the Copy Items dialogue box. Enter your module code in the Course name or ID search box.


  1. Click on the course that needs copied over.


As Blackboard Ultra has a simplified structure, Original courses with nested folders deeper than three levels will have their folder structure changed to reflect the Ultra structure.

When the Original course was When an Original course is copied over, it generated will generate a number of exceptions, click on the exception warning. This will reveal the except report in the right hand side.

Click on any category e.g Assignments and tests to review the exceptions:


Don’t panic, most of the exceptions are generated by unsupported features or settings, some tasks like discussions or journals may be converted to documents, some objects will be hidden etc.


When you copy over a full module, all the content will be added to the the bottom of the Course Content area:


Review the copied content

Go through the folders, check your files, documents, assignments, discussions and documents, make sure that they have retained their functionality, use the Blackboard Ultra icons as a guide:


For instance, a discussion in Blackboard Original has been converted to a document in Blackboard Original, the Discussion will have to be recreated.


Remove any empty or unnecessary files. Drag and drop the required files into the Ultra template folders of Module Overview, Learning Materials (or Learning modules) and Assessment.

Folders that exceed Ultra’s three levels will be retained but displaced from the original course structure, drag and drop files and documents between folders to flatten the course structure.


Check your links, make sure they don’t navigate back to the original course. Check your documents you may need to reformat some elements.

Discussions will appear in Course Content and also in the Discussions area. NB you can remove any discussions from the Course content area and they will remain in the Discussions area.


Any Blackboard and Turnitin dropboxes will be duplicated in Course Content and be accessible via Gradebook and Calendar due dates (if a due date has been set)


Find out more about Gradebook, nested folders deeper than three levels will have their folder structure changed to reflect the simplified Ultra structure.


Copying a document or folder FROM Blackboard Original


Copying FROM Blackboard Original is not suitable for copying Tests, Surveys, Blackboard dropboxes or SCORMS use copying TO Blackboard Ultra.

You can continue to copy folders and documents FROM Blackboard Original by using the drop-down arrow beside the item and select Copy. However, it is recommended thatcopy a folder or document TO Blackboard Ultra module.

For instance, you can copy a Week 1 folder across from Blackboard Original (note the nested 3. Investigate folder)


Select the drop-down arrow and select Copy


This opens the Copy dialogue box, select the Destination Course e.g. your Ultra development area.


Click on Browse to select the Destination folder e.g. Learning Materials


and press Submit.


Check your destination folder for the copied items.

Due to Ultra’s three-level hierarchy, a maximum depth of two folders is allowed, during copying, the nested 3.Investigate folder has been displaced from the original course folder structure.


You can remedy this issue by flattening the folder structure, dragging and dropping the contents of 3.Investigate folder into the Week 1 folder …


Then delete the separate and empty 3. Investigate folder. Now the four level content structure of the Blackboard Original course has been converted into the Blackboard Ultra three-level folder structure.


Blackboard Original copying exceptions


Blackboard Original Content such as Tests, Surveys, Blackboard dropboxes, SCORMS will not copy FROM Blackboard Original. Nested folder structures over three levels deep will not stay intact.


For instance in the above example, on pressing Submit, there was a warning telling me an item (a SCORM) didn’t copy across.

Once you have performed housekeeping on the the course, the course can can quickly be tailored to suit the new Ultra template:


Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel in ( "template" , "interface" , "learning-content" , "gradebook" ) and label = "essentials" and space = "Ultra"