Creating a Turnitin assignment dropbox
To create a Turnitin assignment dropbox in Blackboard, access your Blackboard Learn module and identify where you wish to place the assignment dropbox.
Navigate to the folder / section you want to place the drop box in.
Click on the + icon
Then click on ‘Content Market’
Content Market shows all the tools integrated with Blackboard, select and click on Turnitin to open the Turnitin integration and to start adjusting your settings, such as the due date, feedback date and the optional settings.
This will open up the Turnitin assignment dropbox settings window
Here you can either …
set up a new Turnitin drop box as before, by entering a title, instructions and start, due and feedback dates.
or copy Turnitin dropboxes from previous modules by selecting Copy assignments from previously created assignments
Select an Assignment to Copy by searching for a previous module by entering your module code in the search box.
Select the checkboxes beside any Turnitin dropboxes to copy and select Copy. You can then add in new start, due and feedback dates and then click Save to import the assignments.
Adjust the Optional settings for your dropbox and click on Submit to create the dropbox.
NB: When you click Submit a column for this assignment will be created automatically in Gradebook.
Video: creating a TurnItIn dropbox
After you have created your assignment, remember to check the Gradebook column is hidden from student view.
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Centre for Digital Learning Enhancement