Turnitin Similarity Report

Turnitin Similarity Report

Turnitin provides an originality check, this feature can be turned on in ‘Optional Settings’ when setting up a Turnitin dropbox. The Similarity Index is the percentage of your text within the submission that matches sources stored in the Turnitin repository databases. All matching text is numbered, colour-coded and highlighted so that you can easily identify, see and examine possible matching sources.


  1. Open the Turnitin assignment, by clicking on 'blue pen' icon or the assignment title in the assignment inbox.


2. Similarity report tools are shown as red icons on the right hand toolbar. Click on the red icon with the percentage score to see more, the similarity layer will then become active.

Turnitin originality report view



  1. Each student’s submission has a percentage score (with colour indicator). This represents the proportion of the total text in that assignment which matches other sources.

You can view similarity matches in detail where text is compared with original sources (Turnitin Help)

Originality reports are usually available around 5 minutes after submission but resubmissions can take up to 24 hours. 

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