\uD83D\uDCD8 Instructions
Once your lecturer has release posted your marks you should will be able to access your marked submission with their comments, scores or requested changes.You can feedback in Gradebook.
Your Activity Stream in the main Blackboard interface will notify you when your assignment has been marked:
You can also check whether your assignments have been graded by selecting Marks in the main Blackboard menu.
You can also check your marks by going straight to your module and clicking on Gradebook
in the tool bar. An indicator will appear beside the Gradebook tab with the number of new
marks and a purple dot appears in the list for each assessment that was recently graded.
If When your lecturer has posted posts grades, these will they appear in the Mark column and any Overall Feedback lecturer feedback will be indicated with a purple speech bubble.
Accessing your feedback
Overall Lecturer’s overall feedback for your assignment can be accessed by clicking the speech bubble in the Feedback column in the Gradebook.
This will open your assignment, your lecturer’s overall feedback, which may be written, audio or video format, is available on the right. Your lecturer may also include comments or annotates annotations on you assignment submission.
If your lecturer uses a rubric to mark your work, your achievement in each criterion will be displayed on the right hand side beneath the lecturer’s overall feedback.
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