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The Course Content page is the default page that opens when you enter a course. Here, you can begin to create Learning Modules or Folders in which to organize your content, copy content from a previous course, upload files from your computer or Cloud Storage, etc. 


When you add or create new content always ensure that all of your students can access it as easily as possible. The built in Ally (Ultra Accessibility Checker) can help you with this.

Table of Contents



content items to Course Content

Within the Course Content window, hover your mouse where you wish to add new content and select the (purple) + icon.

When you click + Create option, the Course Content Items will appear in a panel on the right hand side:


Mouse over where you want to add an item, click on the plus icon.


This brings up the add content context menu, select Create


This brings up the Create Item context menu. Select the type of item you wish to add


Different types of items will have different icons, this will to help you distinguish between your content quickly.


Watch a 2.5 min video on uploading content to your module in Ultra

Html macro
<iframe src="" height="405" width="720" style="border: 1px solid #464646;" allowfullscreen allow="autoplay" aria-label="Panopto Embedded Video Player" aria-description="Ultra - Uploading files" ></iframe>

Types of course content

Four content types that you will use frequently - Learning Modules, Folders, Documents and Links - are explained below.

Learning modules and folders are containers for documents, file attachments, tests, assignments, multimedia, and links to websites, discussions, and journals. Detailed information about Assignments can be found in the Blackboard Assignments support pages.

Adding Learning modules

Learning modules are used as containers to organise collections of content (folders, documents, videos, etc).


Within a learning module students navigate the order of the contents using the forward/ backward arrows in sequence. Alternatively, students can explore the content in a learning module in any order and at their own pace. If required, you can force the items to display sequentially where the first item must be viewed before the second can be launched.


Learning modules provide the option to add an image to enhance the visual appearance of the container.

Create a learning module

From the Create Item Course ContentItemsmenu, select Learning Module. 


The panel will now display the create Learning Module screen.


You can create new items within the learning module by selecting the plus button that appears over blank areas in the module. Items created will appear in the location that you created them in.


Adding Folders

You can a use folder as a container to organise collections of content (folders, documents, videos, etc). You can create two levels of folders in which to organize your content. Using folders reduces the need to scroll and enables students to find content more easily. Students can explore the content in a folder in any order they chose.


Create a folder

From the Create Item Course Content Items, select Folder. 


The panel will now display the create Folder screen.



Although a learning module can contain a folder, folders cannot contain learning modules!

Adding Documents (pages)

You can create a Blackboard document (also known as a Page) and to add text, audio, video, files, and images.

Create a document

From the Create Item Course Content Items, select New Document.


The following screen appear:


Here you can:

Add content - start typing text, Document Editor will appear; give the document a title, by clicking on the cursor at the top left.


Then chose what type (block) of content you want to add

  • Content adds the standard text editor where you can start typing text and add images, upload files, etc


  • HTML


  •  allows you to embed external learning, e.g. Menti, Sway, Forms, etc.

Upload from Computer/ Upload from cloud storage


  • File Upload allows you to upload from


You also have the option to add files within the text field provided with the 'Add Content' choice above by clicking on the paper clip in the editor to upload from your computer or the plus icon to upload from cloud storage.


These files then display in-line and allow a whole week of content to be nicely created in a single document for ease of use for students.


  • Computer or University’s OneDrive

  • Cloud upload allows you to login to a separate cloud account like Google Drive

  • Convert a file, allows you to add and edit the contents of a PDF file

You can add

A (web) link can be to an external website or content outside of your Ultra course, e.g. a website or reading list. You can also link to content in the same module, e.g. a Learning Module or Folder.

From the Course Content Items, select Link. The New Web Link page will open.


There are two tabs in the top menu: Create Web Link and Create Course Link. A web link creates a link to an external website. The course link allows you to link to content elsewhere in the same course/ module, e.g. from an assessment brief to an assessment submission point.

To create a web link:

  • Add a name for your link, e.g. BBC website

  • Choose ‘Visible to students’

  • Add the URL to the Link URL field e.g.

  • Add a description (optional)

  • Press Save


To create a Course Link:

Select the Create Course Link tab from the top menu.


“Changes to the visibility or release conditions apply to the linked item and all associated course links”.

Reordering Course content

If you are not happy with the order of your content you can easily reorder items by dragging and dropping. You can reorder course content using the mouse

or you can reorder course content using a keyboard

Check content accessibility

When you add or create new content, use Student Preview to see how it appears to your student. Check your documents and other files using the built in Ally (Ultra Accessibility Checker).


Detailed information about Ally can be found in the Blackboard Ally support pages.

Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel = "essentials" and label = "learning-content" and space = "Ultra"